Alton R Williams World Overcomers Sermon Is It a Sin to Judge Others?
Alton R Williams World Overcomers Sermon Is It a Sin to Judge Others?

Alton R Williams World Overcomers Sermon Is It a Sin to Judge Others?

This is Pastor Alton R Williams from World Overcomers Church in Memphis TN.

He is doing some of the best preaching in America right now.

It becoming harder to find Pastor who will preach the truth.

Alton R Williams preaching clears up common misconception about judging others.

Often you hear people say don't judge me.

But actually Christians are to judge if we see clear sin.

Alton R Williams sermon says "when it says don't judge that means not to judge the motives of peoples hearts.

That is the judging we are commanded not to do".

But if we see clear cut sin we are say something about it.

Judge Not lest you be judged is not a commandment to stay morally neutral on things that are clearly wrong.

Remember World Overcomers Church Alton R Williams in the days ahead.

His sermons are going viral gaining millions of views.