Uprising New Official Movie Trailer - Netflix - Set in the Joseon era during a tumultuous time in the aftermath of war, take a journey through the lives of two childhood friends-turned-adversaries: Cheon Yeong, a slave with remarkable martial prowess; and Jong Ryeo, Cheon Yeng's master and scion of Joseon's most influential military family.
Two friends who grew up together — one the master and one the servant — reunite post-war as enemies on opposing sides.
Uprising, also known as 전,란 or War and Revolt in Korean, is directed by Korean filmmaker Kim Sang-man, director of the films Geol Seukauteu, Midnight FM, and The Tenor previously.
The script is written by Shin Chul and Park Chan-wook.
Produced by Park Chan-wook, Moho Film, Semicolon Studio.