For Aladdin 3477 The Jinn of Wisdom. Movie
For Aladdin 3477 The Jinn of Wisdom. Movie

For Aladdin 3477 The Jinn of Wisdom.

Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the year 3477, a resourceful Hong Kong thief's obsession with the Princess of India propels him on a globe-trotting odyssey, where he crosses paths with an enigmatic ancient sage.

These live-action feature films are based on the classic Arabian Nights tale, set 1,500 years in the future throughout India and Asia.

Unlike Disney’s version, this adventure looks like Star Wars, feels like Indiana Jones, and is vast in scope like Lord of the Rings.

Aladdin 3477- I: The Jinn of Wisdom is written and directed by indie filmmaker / pop culture artist Matt Busch.