Blackhawk: Fearless Champion of Freedom (1952) | Directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet & Fred F. Sears
Blackhawk: Fearless Champion of Freedom (1952) | Directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet & Fred F. Sears

"Blackhawk: Fearless Champion of Freedom" is a 1952 American 15-chapter serial film produced by Columbia Pictures.

It is based on the "Blackhawk" comic book series, which debuted in 1941.

The story follows a squadron of seven pilots, known as the Blackhawks, who originally banded together during World War II to combat the Nazis.

After the war, they continue their mission to fight evil worldwide.

In this serial, they confront a group of spies and saboteurs intent on destroying democracy, thwarting a succession of plots, each culminating in a cliffhanger.