Fox News: Car Plows Through Crowd at Christmas Market in Germany
Fox News: Car Plows Through Crowd at Christmas Market in Germany

BREAM: “Breaking moments ago, we brought you this news, reports are coming in of a car crashing into a group of people gathered at a Christian — Christmas market in eastern Germany.

Local media say it appears to be deliberate.

We’ve got some photos here, John, as we are gathering more information.

I was just in Europe last week.

These are very popular.

People love to get out there.

There are very few in many of these towns and cities, real barricades to these areas.

You’re walking among little shops and tents and huts and it’s very festive.

But we don’t know what happened here, who this was, whether it was intentional or not, but it would certainly be a potential target for somebody if they intended to do harm.”