Revolutionary Revivalists EP 37: Unmasking The Lies
Revolutionary Revivalists EP 37: Unmasking The Lies

Have you ever felt that deciphering the enemy's lies from the truth can be hard?

Sometimes even impossible?

Scripture tells us, "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light," 2 Cor.


In Unmasking the Lies, we will explore how the enemy sneakily weaves lies into the fabric of truth, leading us astray in ways we may not recognize.

Through careful study of scripture, we aim to expose the enemy's subtle tactics he uses to distort God's word and learn how to discern between what is true and what is false.

Tonight we are tackling specific lies that are commonly believed and comparing them with the truth.

With a focus on deepening your understanding, we strive to equip each listener with the techniques to identify deception and stand firm in God's word.🔥🔥🔥 ~ Abigail Faith & Lil Leia