Gunslingers Movie (2025)
Gunslingers Movie (2025)

Gunslingers Movie (2025) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: When the most wanted man in America surfaces in a small Kentucky town, his violent history -- and a blood-thirsty mob seeking vengeance and a king’s ransom -- soon follow.

As brothers face off against one another and bullets tear the town to shreds, this lightning-fast gunslinger makes his enemies pay the ultimate price for their greed.

Academy Award Winner Nicolas Cage, Stephen Dorff, and Heather Graham star in an action-packed Western thriller about true justice in the wild west.

Gunslingers – Watch the trailer!

In Theaters, On Demand and On Digital April 11.

Starring Stephen Dorff, Heather Graham, Nicolas Cage, Jeremy Kent Jackson, Scarlet Stallone