Prepare for a quirky thunderbolt of outrage in Ep.
215 of Force of Law on The Karis Project!
Dale Richardson locks horns with Vincent Gircys—a battle-hardened 32-year Ontario Provincial Police veteran now waging war against a nation’s unraveling soul.
Gircys, once an Emergency Response Team titan, Training Officer, and Forensic Collision Reconstructionist, retired in 2014 only to be thrust into a nightmare: his bank accounts frozen like a guillotine’s blade for daring to defy Ottawa’s iron fist during the trucker convoy.
Now, he’s fighting back with a lawsuit against Justin Trudeau, complicit cabinet members, cops, and banks that unlawfully iced his funds.
From the convoy’s horns to the courtroom’s gavel, this is a desperate, earth-shaking cry against a system rotting at its core.