Oh, oh, oh no Opie may indeed make his complete transformation into the most perfect lolcow that the Dabbleverse needs after seeing Anthony Cumia knock it out of the park on AM 770 WABC on Sunday evening.
In Stuttering John’s absence, we will see if Opie can stutter and stammer to the top with the loss of ways to project his jealousy onto a podcast this week.
We don’t know how embarrassing it will be but judging from his recent comments we’re sure it ain’t gonna be pretty.
As well as all the other knuckleheads that still think that they’re radio guys such as Aaron Imholte.
Chad Zumock, and Mersh.
These guys are all laughable and going nowhere fast on any broadcast network.
Let’s go, and dive headfirst into this pool of an embarrassment prison.
Much like a wheelchair.