Trying to spend less time on social media? Try Headway, now $60 for life (Reg. $300)

Trying to spend less time on social media? Try Headway, now $60 for life (Reg. $300)



Although the TikTok ban was short-lived, it left many people questioning their screen habits. For example, do you really “not have time to read,” or are you just spending all your time scrolling through social media? There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some silly dog videos, but if you want to spend less time online, an app like Headway can help. This book-summary app is your in-between of social media and reading. Instead of cracking open a book (and dedicating hours reading it cover to cover), just spend 15 minutes reading or listening to its key points. It’s weirdly addicting, and you’ll learn a lot. Normally, users have to pay on a recurring basis for Headway, but we have an offer where you only have to pay once for lifetime access: *$59.99* (reg. $299.95). You won’t find a lower price anywhere else.


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