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Thursday, 18 July 2024

Hendry county protest cancelled after large law enforcement response, curfew

Credit: FOX 4 Now Florida
Duration: 02:12s 0 shares 3 views

Hendry county protest cancelled after large law enforcement response, curfew
Hendry county protest cancelled after large law enforcement response, curfew

A Hendry county protest scheduled for a Wednesday was cancelled after the sheriff's office responded with a large law enforcement presence and curfew.

The Hendry county sheriff says he put both things in place after seeing social media posts that encouraged looting and violence.

IN PARTS OF HENDRYCOUNTY...DIDN’T END UP HAPPENINGTODAY.THAT’S AFTER REPORTS OF POSSIBLEVIOLENCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA.FOX 4’S ROCHELLE ALLEYNE HBEEN OUT IN HENDRY COUNTY ALLDAY...SHE JOINS US NOW WITH THELATEST.BECAUSE THE PROTEST DIDN’THAPPEN...WE’RE NOT SURE IF TSHERIFF’S OFFICE WILL KEEP THECURFEW IN PLACE.I SPOKE TO A FEW PEOPLE WHO WEREGOING TO BE OUT HERE -- WHO SAYTHEY’RE DISAPPOINTED BY TODAY’SEVENTSTHIS CLEWISTON WALMART SHOULD BEFULL OF PROTESTORS..BUT INSTEAD IT’S SURROUNDED BYCOUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPUTIES...ANDLOCAL POLICE.THE HENDRY COUNTY SHERIFF’SOFFICE SAYS HE PULLED OUT ALLTHE STOPS ...AFTER SEEING POSTSABOUT THE PROTEST THATENCOURAGED VIOLENCE AND LOOTING.HE ANNOUNCED THAT HE’D PUT ACURFEW IN PLACE FOR THAT PART OFTHE COUNTY JUST INCASE...STARTING AT 8P.M."ringing"WE REACHED OUT TO SOME OF THEPEOPLE WHO PLANNED TO BEHERE...AND THEY’RE DISAPPOINTED.((Paulina Magana//Planned toprotest))((phoner gfx))"i think that they are justworking on fear and they justwanted to control it ahead oftime even though there wasn’tmuch to back that up."THE CURFEW ALSO CAUSING SOMECONFUSION IN THE THE LOCALPOLICE CHIEF SAID HE WASN’T SUREIF IT WAS NECESSARY AT THE TIME.((Chief Aaron Angell//ClewistonPolice Department))((phoner))"we didn’t feel that any of theinformation that we had accessto at the time that we made thedecision indicated that there asany imminent threat."EITHER WAY..THOSE I SPOKE TOSAID WHILE BUMMED...THE MESSAGEBEHIND *WHY THEY WANTED TO COMEOUT...STILL RINGS TRUE.((Voice of: DeylaCardenas//Planned to protest))((phoner))((please use this super...voicewill have video over it notgfx))"I thought it was my job tospeak out on the oppression thatmany black people in mycommunity have faced."{butted t}((Voice of: PaulinaMagana//Planned to protest))((phoner))((please use this super...voicewill have video over it notgfx))"I’m very excited for themomentum that the nation as awhole is having, I do feel likethis is another wave of civilrights that cannot be ignoredanymore."THE PEOPLE I SPOKE WITH SAY THEYPLAN TO KEEP RAISING

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