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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Erlanger Dr. James Fleming discusses why hospitals are safe & why not to neglect necessary care.

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Erlanger Dr. James Fleming discusses why hospitals are safe & why not to neglect necessary care.
Erlanger Dr. James Fleming discusses why hospitals are safe & why not to neglect necessary care.

Erlanger Dr. James Fleming discusses why hospitals are safe & why not to neglect necessary care

It's just time taylor bishop is now telling her how system as doctor james fleming morning doctor how are you going to talk a little bit about the coronavirus and how people can still get in touch with their patients and how people can still come in even though despite everything that's going on with the pandemic.

So my first question for you is with heart attacks and strokes are serious and it's important to get that information, go to the er right away.

How can people b sure that the hospitals ill say during this pandemic ... is?

I understand your concern.

There's a lot we don't know about october 19 community is still learning about the danger opposes and also the populations at risk.

However, we know a lot about heart attacks and strokes.

And we know the risk of sudden death or lifelong disability.

A real and don't allow yourself to be: 1990 minute treatment or other conditions working on using the use of tele- medications.

I hear during this endemic is that something you'r using in your practices right now ... yes, so does the hospital has made safety of priority over patients, staff and visitors so what you do, be feeling to be a mobile pandemic by not getting your medical treatment for so basically in place include mass for visitors.

Also, we have limited the number of seating areas and also persons in elevators and also asked people have a temperature check the visiting hospitals are some of the seizures in place and peopl say telemedicine is a means of discussing with the patient, or medical care over the internet.

It uses the patient will soon, and some of the medical staff at erlanger are all disservice to the clinic is required.

All is right for you and you certainly are.

If you need to have a procedure done.

You come in and i switch to make your safety a priority for funding dealing with having family and friends that are at erlanger.

Are you allowing visitors up this time and if so how can you receive updates on their current conditions ... good question is restricting visitor access in order to protect our vulnerable patient population.

There are exceptions.

For example, if you have intellectual disabilities in the family member to make you comfortable the hospital.

Also, patients who are at the end of life can have a visitor with approval so there are some exceptions, but generally we would prefer to call you on the doctor or nurse to give you updates and we certainly respec your history and perspective.

Since you know you're better than us.

You can expect to get israeli while we take care of her patients.

The hospital i'm sorry and then lastly, doctor how you and other healthcare workers holding up during all o this.

How is your morale going this whole pandemic ... doctors, nurses and therapists are people just like you guys and have families and concerns at home as well.

But what i see in the hallway is the young, the vigilance and dedication to get this job done.

I'm reminded of winston churchill and one of his speeches to once said that will not fail or alter and we will get this job done.

It was the tools and will derive an paraphrase, that's really what rafter at erlanger we went to your family like we have hundre years and really get through this pandemic together beautifully said thank you so much doctor fine for taking the time out to speak with us in this morning and we appreciate everything you and the people a erlanger are doing prostate is much thinking

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