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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

50 People Reveal A Weird Fact About Their Home State

Credit: Conde Nast Traveler
Duration: 05:38s 0 shares 1 views

50 People Reveal A Weird Fact About Their Home State
50 People Reveal A Weird Fact About Their Home State

Today on Culturally Speaking we asked our panel of 50 to hit us with the weirdest fact they could share about their home state.

With responses ranging from strange local laws and one-of-a-kind oyster museums to unexpected monkey sanctuaries and serial killers, this episode is weirdly all over the place.

- So what is a strangefact about Michigan?When someone says "ConeyIsland" and you are in Michiganor from Michigan, we mean going to a deli.[upbeat music]- Strange fact about Tennessee,is that Tennessee is thebirthplace of the tow truck.- Virginia is the only statein the US with an oyster museum.- A strange fact aboutHawaii is we don't havea lot of big highways, sothe highways we do have,we just call them H-1 and H-2.Standing for Highway 1, Highway 2.- I don't know, there's a monkey sanctuaryoutside of Lexington.- There is a law that you cannot fishwhile sitting on a camel's back.- The rapper Flo Rida, his name is Floridaand I just didn't know that.- Clint Eastwood used tolive here for a while.- I'm not sure if may people know this,but Julia Roberts is from Georgia.- Mark Twain and Chuck Berryand Tennessee Williams,a lot of great artistshave come out of Missouri.- Ted Bundy was bornin Burlington, Vermont.- At the Chicago River,it actually flows inthe opposite direction.- There is an earthquakefault line that goes allthe way from San Francisco,all the way to Southern California.- There is a town called Green Bankand in that town wi-fi is illegal.- I believe the first potatoin America was planted in New Hampshire.- I'd say almost everybodythere has 50 to 100 poundsof salmon in every single household.- That Arizona had one of the first drivethrough McDonald's inthe whole entire country.- Hartford, the capital,it's illegal to walkacross the street on your hands.- A strange fact about Iowa is, like,by far the most popularpizza is Casey's Pizzawhich is basically a conveniencestore slash gas station.- So in 1919, there was a tankardof molasses that explodedand it flooded the city.It was actually really terribleand there were some casualties,but the weirdest fact is thatthe nickname is the "Boston Molassacre."- A strange fact aboutTexas is there has beensix different flags flown over Texas.So it's been under the ruleof six different countries.- There's parts ofLouisiana that weren't partof the Louisiana Purchase.- Is that it's capital has notalways been St Paul, Minnesota.- Some people argued, constitutionally,whether or not it was a state until 2012,when they amended their constitution.But it's debated.- We have the coolest springs in the US.- There's plenty ofhaunted houses in Maryland.- We have Amish here and theydon't use electricity muchand they ride around in a horse and buggy.- The Croatans were a colonyand then someone leftand they came back a year laterand they were all just disappearedand the only word wasCroatan written on a tree.- When the football stadium inLincoln is full on Saturdays,there are 90,000 plus peoplewhich is more people than allbut two cities in Nebraska.- There are more people that ridethe New York City subway every morningthan in the entire population of Delaware.- That the subway has beenin use for a hundred yearsand you still getridiculous delays every day.- So Nevada is consideredthe Silver State,and California is known as the Gold Rushbut interesting factis that Nevada producesthe most gold in the UnitedStates over Californiaand in fact is a top fiveproducer in the entire world.- Arkansas is the onlyplace in North America,and one of I think twoplaces in the world,where the public can go dig for diamonds.- That we're ranked last ina lot of different thingsthat you don't want to be rankedlast in, like teacher pay.- We have the world's firstwoman black billionaire from there.- We actually had thefirst female governorin the United States.- Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burractually came here to have their duel.- The musical "Oklahoma"is licensed to the stateof Oklahoma for $3.00 per yearfor them to use it as a royalty.- Is that Johnson, Rhode Island,the city that I grew up in,has the most Italians per capitathan any town in theUnited States of America.- That it has a strong KKK population.- There is a fascinatingdocumentary on Netflix,called "The Making of a Murderer,"that's a pretty intense conspiracy theoryabout the police force over there.- Is that right outside of our airport,which also has a lot of conspiracytheories involving aliensand Nazi's, there is a giant blue horsewith glowing red eyes that killedthe artist that made itbecause it fell on top of him.- We love to take people downby our subtle phrases and words.- I thought we actually have apretty large area of wetland.- We're also the only state that's hadan atomic bomb go off in the state.- A strange fact about Montana isthat we have a lot ofdinosaur fossils here.- I grew up in a small townthat had the largest chair.- The world's largest basket is in Ohio.- We have the world'slargest ball of twine.- It's not Canada[laughing], I don't know.

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