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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 29, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 29, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 29, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Many non-profits are finding it difficult to survive during the pandemic.

And on today's "As the Page Turns", author BJ Hyman talks about novels that will move you.

And a new book is out claiming to get the inside scoop on why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle felt the necessity of distancing themselves from the royal family.

We'll see you tomorrow.a a recent study suggests americans are showing resilience during the tough times of this pandemic.

Naomi ruchim has more on the findings of a new national study.

Nats i've been up to a lot, believe it or not.

Laugh 81 year old ann cleare is a real estate agent.

And even though she's been staying home more than usual during this pandemic..

She's still keeping busy i started hearing from a lot of my past buyers.

Asking how i was doing.

If i need anything some health experts have been concerned that americans would experience more loneliness with social distancing restrictions.

But a national survey from florida state university college of medicine finds the measures did not lead to an uptick in loneliness in the first months of the pandemic.

We also were surprised that overall there was actually people feeling more socially supported by others loneliness is considered a serious public health concern.

Studies show loneliness is not only linked to depression, it's also a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.

Dr. martina luchetti is the lead author of the study that surveyed more than 2,000 people in february before the pandemic, and then in march and again in late april.

Even if we are socially or like physically isolated from others, we can still reach out with other ways reach out to other people, rather than wait for them to reach out to you.

Sometimes that's difficult for older people, you know // i think the best thing to do is to keep busy, you know, you can keep busy at home for ann, that also means doing things she enjoys, like yard work.

Naomi ruchim, cbs news new york.

Researchers say more study is need to help identify factors that may put some people at risk for loneliness.

As many businesses and organizations struggle to stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic, nonprofit organizations have been hit especially hard.

As chris martinez tells us, it could be difficult for many nonprofits to survive.

"it has reall caused a lot of havoc on our charity&" dawn ireland is having to stretch every penny to keep her nonprofit from going under.

"i am a patien advocate&" dawn is the founder of 'c-d-h international' - a charity that works with young patients born with a rare diaphragm and lung defect.

The coronavirus pandemic has brought her work to a near standstill.

"it's going to be very long recovery for our community and our charity, if we can recover from this."

Nonprofits across the country are struggling in the pandemic as the need for many of their services, like food banks, rise - while donations plummet.

According to the national council of nonprofits& an estimated 1.6 million nonprofit jobs have been lost over the past 3 months& and 13 percent of nonprofits have been forced to suspended some or all of their operations.

National council of nonprofits president - tim delaney says the situation is dire& "we're ofte referred to as the good people, the angels that are out there doing things, well i'm here to tell ya angels have to pay rent, angels have to pay utilities, angels have to pay their employees& angels do have costs!"

"we appreciate yo so much..."

Dawn - who is herself a covid-19 survivor - has turned to online fundraising to keep her charity alive.

"we're 25 years ol and if we go under, there's nobody else who does what we do."

She knows many young patients around the world are counting on her.

Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles.

There is some hope on the horizon for nonprofits.

Recently, the federal reserve announced their 'main street lending program' will now be available for nonprofit organizations that have been established for 5 years or longer.

It looks like a lot of fun but cities are worried that mopeds on the streets are dangerous.

The moped sharing company "revel" voluntarily shutting down its service in new york after at least two deadly crashes.

The n-y-p-d says a man was killed this week when he lost control of his "revel" a crashed into a light pole.

People can use an app to find a nearby moped and take a ride.

Cbs news transportation correspondent kris van cleave takes a look at the safety of these mopeds.

A moped relay race down a crowded bronx street& a rider running a red or, here, rolling down a sidewalk& and...we found several riding without helmets.

Dangerous driving on shared mopeds rented through the app revel&thousands are on the five u-s cities.

It's a recipe for disaster, just waiting for something horrible to isdennis flores was riding his bike in new york when that something horrible happened& "i heard a lou screeching sounds of the tires and i saw someone fly forward off this moped."

He saw the accident that killed 26 year old nina kapur, a reporter at wcbs- tv.

Police are still investigating, but say neither kapur nor the moped's driver were wearing helmets, as required by law.

Revel declined our request for an interview, but expressed its deepest sympathies" t kapur's family and is working with the nypd.

Adding in a statement it "offers fre lessons"&"h strict safety policies in place" and riders "mus follow local traffic laws."

The company also says each moped comes with two helmets&but when carlo pardo picked up this one last week there were no none to be found.

"i think a lot o people, i see them ride without it, but yeah, i don't like, personally, that's not something i find safe.

A safety study commissioned by revel found 155 incidents resulting in injury or property damage in the second half of last year, out of nearly 900,000 rides.

So far this year the nypd says revel mopeds have been involved in at least 25 collisions.

Kvc: whose responsibility is it to make sure these mopeds are safe?

Kn: it is a shared responsibility.

Companies have got to provide the necessary resources and information so that riders and customers know what their responsibility is//but we as customers also have a responsibility to obey traffic laws, to wear a helmet, to drive safely revel is facing more than a dozen lawsuits in new york for injuries.

Last month the company suspended 1000 riders for safety violations" lik riding on a sidewalk.

We are heart- broken today for friend of mid morning debi pearson.

You may know her as a long time employee at robin's unique boutique and frequent guest here.

This weekend, debi's son monroe county sheriff's deputy dylan pickle was killed while working a safety checkpoint.

Wcbi's allie martin talked with his co workers who wanted to let others know about the young man who was seeing his dream come true.

Deputy dylan pickle had worked with the monroe county sheriff's department since 2016.

He started out as a corrections officer, but his ultimate goal was to patrol the streets.

The sheriff and others who worked with the deputy say he was finally living and realizing his lifelong dream.

Captain scotty clark says this photo, on his wall captures the spirit of deputy dylan pickle.

"he was character captain clark says deputy pickle knew how to lighten the mood at just the right time, but took his job seriously all the time.

Clark says pickle gave one hundred percent from the time he was hired as a corrections officer in 2016.

He took a break when he was deployed with the national guard to syria, and when he returned, he was back at the sheriff's department.

He became a daytime supervisor, and eventually worked his way into a transport job.

Pickle paid his way through the police academy in moorhead, and landed a spot as a deputy.

It was his dream job.

"even as a little ki he pickle had just completed the field training officer program, and was ready to be on the streets on his own.

"dylan was a g getter, he came to work, "you can secon guess, the sheriff and others who worked alongside deputy pickle know the days, weeks and months ahead will be tough, but they also know the community m 17 loved so much will be there through prayer and support.

In aberdeen, allie martin, wcbi news stories with all the feels.

Bj hyman is here next with as the page turns.

Mid morning will be right st stories that tug at your heart and your humanity.

Here's local author bj hyman with as the page turns.

Bj hyman here.

Today, we're going to talk about books that will move you, so prepared to be moved.

The first book i'm going to talk about is wonder by r.j.


This is a story about a very deformed little boy that has been homeschooled all the way through the fourth grade.

But now that he's entering the fifth grade, his parents want to have him have a bigger world experience.

While many lessons are learned in the process, not all of them are his.

His parents, his sister, and her best friend, and all of the people that august comes in contact with, all have things that they have to overcome.

He experiences friendship, betrayal, bullying, and through the process learns that life can be cruel but it also can be very beautiful.

It's a very, very good book.

Bj hyman: now, the second book and the third book are actually both by the same author, katherine applegate.

The first one i'm going to talk about is wishtree.

Any story that starts with a tree is going to have my attention.

Red is the neighborhood wishtree.

A wishtree is where people would take scraps of fabric or cloth and write their wishes, their hopes, their dreams, their goals, and tie them to the tree.

Now, she has a crow friend that lives in her branches, as well as other animal families that make her their home, and together, they watch over the neighborhood of people.

And everything is as usual until a new family moves into the neighborhood.

A family that's different and not a accepted kind of different.

Not all of the residents are very welcoming.

This book encourages you to look through other people's eyes and see things in such a way that it's not just your viewpoint but also theirs.

Bj hyman: the next one by the same author is the one and only ivan.

Ivan is a silverback gorilla.

He's there with stella, an elephant, and a stray dog named bob.

And they live in a shopping center and are the main attractions of the shopping center called big top mall.

Ivan has never seen anything else outside of his home, in the mall.

He doesn't know any different, and so he's content, but stella, the elephant, has memories of freedom and fresh air and wide open spaces and she longs for nothing more than to be moved to a zoo where she could at least have more room and some fresh air.

Bj hyman: it's through the cruelty of the owner to stella that ivan finally sees the truth of his circumstances.

And through that, he starts planning their rescue.

While this story is fiction, it is based on a true story of a gorilla named ivan who lived in very similar circumstances for 27 years before he was adopted by zoo atlanta in 1994.

If you're not moved by this story, then you don't have a heart.

It is just an incredible story.

As always, you can find my books on amazon and you can email me at bjhyman2112@gmail .com.

Until next time, happy reading.

A new book looks behind the curtain at the royal lifestyle.

That a new book appears to reveal the ábehind- the- scenesá turmoil that led to prince harry and meghan's split from the royal family.

"finding freedom was co-authored by two royal reporters who were granted "unique access" those closest to harry and meghan, according to the publisher.

Mark phillips has the story.

They say they didn't write the book -- parts of which were serialized in newspapers here over the weekend.

And they said they didn't even help the two royal writers who did, but few in palace circles or who follow the family closely think harry and meghan didn't have something to do with it.

The official line from the sussex's is that harry meghan didn't collaborate with this book and it's just written from sourcing from their friends and their aides.

But my understanding is that they did actually collaborate very closely with the authors and helped authorize access to their friends.

Among the juicier points - the book claims that william took what harry felt was a snobbish attitude toward meghan when the couple first started seeing each other.

'take as much time as you need to get to know this girl', william is alleged to have said.

The book says harry bristled at the phrase 'this girl' and reportedly chose to interpret it not as friendly brotherly advice, but as reluctance to accept meghan.

The fact that william also reportedly said harry had been 'blinded by lust', allegedly didn't help.

Meghan -- an american actress with a mixed racial background -- was accompanied down the aisle at the wedding by prince charles because her estranged father wasn't there.

But that gesture was not a sign of acceptance -- according to the book.

Their friends are also quoted as saying harry and meghan were kept at a distance by william and kate and that no support was offered to meghan, the outsider, when she need it.

In the book, meghan's friends claim she told them she had given up her whole life to become one of the royals and received not thanks, but 'death by a thousand cuts' from the family and palace staff.

'there's something about her i don't trust,' one senior official is reported to have said.

The notion that people weren't welcoming to her right from the start, the royal family will be quite stunned by that, because that's not my understanding of how things were to them.

When harry and meghan finally severed their royal ties they had hopes of continuing a part- time relationship with the family here.

That prospect appears is even more unlikely now.

There was a lot of hurt after they left the uk and left the royal family official for life.

And i think that hurt is only going to be exacerbated and deepened on publication of this book.

Phillips outcue: despite their protest that they didn't write it, the book is being perceived as sympathetic to harry and meghan, the palace hasn't commented.

But there's an old expression around here: you can't be a part-time royal.

That's especially true now.

Mark phillips, cbs news, london.

Found items from a street corner.

Art in the time of corona next on mid morning.

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