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Schools consider outdoor learning as a solution to reopen during COVID-19

Credit: NBC 26 Wisconsin
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Schools consider outdoor learning as a solution to reopen during COVID-19
Schools consider outdoor learning as a solution to reopen during COVID-19

Solution to reopen during COVID-19 Schools consider outdoor learning as a solution to reopen during COVID-19 Schools consider outdoor learning as a solution to reopen during COVID-19 By: Amanda BrandeisPosted at 3:32 PM, Jul 31, 2020 and last updated 3:32 PM, Jul 31, 2020 Millions of students will begin the school year at home in front of a computer, despite the fact virtual learning proved inadequate for many working families and students lacking technology access.

Some education advocates suggest looking outside the classroom walls as a way to bring kids back to school safely.

CLASSROOM ORSTUDENTS IN FRONTOF A COMPUTER ATTHE KITCHEN TABLE.AMANDA BRANDEISSPOKE TO ONEGROUP OFADVOCATES WHO SAYTHE WAY TO GETSTUDENTS "SAFELYBACK TO SCHOOL" ISTO THINK OUTSIDETHE CLASSROOMWALLS.ELLEN VESELACK,Director of PreschoolProgram at ChildEducational CenterALLEGRA INGANNI,School Age ProgramDirector for ChildEducational Center"HEY GUYS!"While precautions havechanged -MVI2609 "YEAH"The philosophy hereremains the same.3:17 "Our focus on theoutdoors is even morecritical now than it hasbeen."MVI2575:36 - "I like the slide, themonkey bars and theswing!"The Child EducationalCenter has spentdecades developing aprogram centeredaround the outdoors.ELLEN VESELACK,Director of PreschoolProgram at ChildEducational Center9:09:43 "It's everything,we know children arehappier when they canspend time outdoors."Ellen Veselack says theprogram is research-based.She says learningoutside is not onlybeneficial for kidsphysically but alsocognitively, helpingimprove focus andbehavior.8:26 "It's not just youngchildren who do betteroutside, there's a wholehost of research aboutthe benefits of nature forus as adults."The center still had tomake adjustments duringthe pandemic, likerequiring masks andcoming up with creativesolutions like individualsupply bins for eachchild.ALLEGRA INGANNI,School Age ProgramDirector for ChildEducational Center5:00 "No one knew howto manage Marchthrough June."Some schools are nowturning to the childcarecenter for advice on howto embrace outdoorlearning.7:59 "One of the thingsthey talked about waswhat could they help theirteachers do outside?

Forexample, if you'rereading a book to secondgraders why can't you gooutside and do that?"8:53 "Here's the primeopportunity to pivot, it's areally great word.

I thinkschool districts could dosome amazing things ifthey just reach a little bitand pivot in theirthinking."The outdoor-educationadvocacy group GreenSchoolyards America haslong worked with schooldistricts and publicagencies to transformasphalt-covered schoolgrounds into park-likegreen spaces.They've launched aCOVID-19 initiative tohelp schools developcost-effective strategiesto reopen outside, whichincludes online webinars,safety guidelines, and atwo-page summary fordistricts new to the idea,or for teachers looking tostart a conversation.20:08 "It is thinkingoutside the box andknowing there is adifferent way to look atthis."Outdoor learningadvocates believe themove could help healtrauma from months ofisolation and learningfrom a screen.It would also helpschools navigate socialdistancing requirementswhile reducing thechance of virus spread.Countries like Denmarkand Italy have embracedthe concept, successfullyre-opening some

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