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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Drug use amid the pandemic

Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
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Drug use amid the pandemic
Drug use amid the pandemic
An interview with local drug rehabilitation counselor Mark Beaird

Data from around the u.s. confirms that drug overdoses are spiking during the coronavirus pandemic... new data from around the u.s. confirms that drug overdoses are spiking during the coronavirus pandemic... and street drugs are even more dangerous now because more dealers are lacing products... local drug rehabillitation counselor mark beaird joins us now to talk more about the issue... thank you so much for being with us tongiht... we have reported that street drugs are even more dangerous because more dealers are lacing drugs with the synthetic opoid fitinal what are you hearing form your clients?

How have state and federal agencies responded to the overdose surge addiction services and public heath care is expected to face even more cuts.

How does tat impact the services you are able to provide.

Anything else that would be important for us to know

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