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Midmorning With Aundrea - August 27, 2020 [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

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Midmorning With Aundrea - August 27, 2020 [ENCORE PRESENTATION]
Midmorning With Aundrea - August 27, 2020 [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

(Originally aired on August 11, 2020) Research has shown how easy it is to spread diseases like coronavirus merely by speaking.

And we'll take a look at the "tree to toilet pipeline" whereby forests are destroyed en masse to manufacture toilet paper.

And we meet an artist who reproduces great photographs and works of art using bubblewrap!

A very specical midmorning starts right now.

A very specical midmorning starts right now.

Duke university researchers wanted to test how easily germs can spread even during normal conversations.

They used a box, laser, lens and ácell phoneá camera to visualize droplets ... and filmed people speaking into the box.


They used a box, laser, lens and ácell phoneá camera to visualize droplets ... and filmed people speaking into the box.

Nats stay healthy people it's astounding how much stuff comes out of you when you just speak, you didn't have to sneeze or cough.

It's the speaking itself that already generates lots of droplets.

You may not know that you're spreading the disease, you won't see it dr. martin fischer and dr. eric westman's team tested several types of face coverings.

N95s without valves were the best protection , and surgical masks were also adeqeuate.

Popular double- layer cotton masks provided good coverage as well.

But coverings like bandanas and neck fleeces did not block droplets much and may actually áspread them more.

Everyone has been saying something is better than nothing.

But your study actually says that's not the case.

That is not the case.

//you have this mesh in front of you, these big droplets that you emit, actually get broken down by this type of fabric into a bunch of little droplets.

The findings drive home how critical masks are, especially since the coronavirus can spread when someone doesn't have symptoms. if you want to reduce your risk and other people's risks of a transmissible disease.

The science is clear that you should wear a mask or wear a face cover.

Because researchers say wearing masks is one step we can all take to help end this pandemic.

Nancy chen, cbs news, new york.

Researchers also emphasize that the protection health care workers needs such as n-95 masks are not necessary for everyday life.

Not only are black doctors such a small percentage of physicians, black men are áespeciallyá under- represented.

In fact, medical school attendance for black men has actually dropped á39 percentá since the mid- 80s.

So dr. aaron palmer is a minority within a minority.

His is just one man's story, and it's a story of resilience nat before the sun even touches chicago's horizon... nat "i usually wak up/between 4:15- 4:30" aaron palmer is rising to meet his day.

Nat at northwestern memorial hospital...he's training in neurosurgery... nat of only 2 black neurosurgeons out of dozens in his department.

Nationwide only 1.3 percent are black.

Confused with housekeeping, you know-- transport, you name it.

I often have to, "no, i'm you know, your doctor taking care of you."/ really?

Yeah.// there aren't a lot of-- people of color that are physicians-- especially black men.

// that needs to change.

Dr. bak jahromi, who trains dr. palmer, says he sees the benefit of diversity every day.

Working with aaron is a joy 'cause he empathetically gets it.

He knows where our patients are coming from.// and// our patients trust our team more// black patients are 37 percent less likely than white patients to say they trust their doctors.

One reason: the tuskegee syphilis study.

From 1932 to 1972, the government experiment deliberately left black men with syphillis untreated... many died.

?motivation is not enough.

It's doctor william mcdade's job to help more minorities make it in the head of of diversity for the national committee that oversees medical training.



There are economic disadvantages that have to be overcome.

There are educational deficits that have to be overcome.// and there is structural racism that exists in society that actually carries into medicine as well.

He says children of color also need to see doctors who look like them... nat ..something dr. palmer and his brother tim did not have back in akron ohio.

//where we grew up at, no one's a doctor, no one's a lawyer, no one's a judge their parents raised five kids... "this is it; all tor down now" a 2 bedroom house.

His mother amy : //i had to teach my kids not to pick up syringes when they saw them on the sidewalk and that is not an exaggeration nats but like many low- income kids of color, he lacked resources and mentorship.

Until his college professor, ann caplea, gave him textbooks &and confidence.

Reunion nat anam5692 / ann "dr. palmer new track per standards: áweá arranged a reunion, more than a decade after a pivotal meeting ann: i was probably expecting her to say, you know // "it not something that's gonna happen for you."

/ but she said-- and i'll never forget this.

She said, "o course, i think you can do it."

How important is it to hear someone say, "you can d it?"

// that moment is the reason why i'm actually standing here with her support he got into medical school.

But 4 years residency program accepted him.

You have a medical degree-- correct.

But-- --without anywhere to go.


Dr. mcdade says medical students of color often struggle with isolation, impostor syndrome, and standardized testing..

And are more likely than whites to not get into residency or not complete residency traing.

But dr. palmer tried again, and northwestern said yes.

"my name is aaro palmer, i used to live in that blue house over there// now im down in chicago."

You a surgeon?!

Ap: i operateo n the brain and spine what would your ten-year-old self // think of someone like you?

// poor little ten- year-old aaron would-- his mind would be blown.

Now áhe'sá the role model his neighborhood never had.

Tag: and dr. palmer is paying it forward -- he mentors younger students and is even doing research on racial disparities.

But make no mistake, the state of diversity in medicine is dire.

The percentage of black and latin- x doctors has hardly budged in the last 15 years.

The path your tp takes to the grocery shelf is longer and more complicated than you may imagine.

We'll show you next on mid morning.

You may love it - or it may send you up the wall.

Bubble wrap.

It's hard not to pop it.

But one man sees those bubbles with an eye toward art.

Lee cowan explains.

Nat/sot - french music?

George seurat's idea of a relaxing sunday afternoon -may look crowded in this socially distant world of ours.

But it's one of the most reproduced works ever.

"..bubble bein injected..."

But you may never have seen it - quite the way artist bradley hart sees it.

His canvas is bubble wrap - pre- made pixels that allow him to immortalize seurat's dizzying dots -- in plastic... "if you inject to slow or too fast, the bubble won't fill correctly..."

We know what you're thinking, because so were we& nat/sot bubble poping popping bubble wrap is alarmingly addictive -- but don't even think about popping it around the bubble wrap artist.

"i love bubbl wrap.

I love the sound of bubble wrap popping.

I hate the sound of bubble wrap popping in my means that something's screwed up..

Or someone's messing with my materials..

He spends weeks turning the ubiquitous packing material into art.

"nobody taught m to do this, i invented it."

From portraits of einstein - and biggie smalls - to scenes of wall street - and central park.

"there's lots o colors that are beside each other that when you step back, create a different color.

I'm playing with the optics on how color resolves on your eyeball."

"...bubble wra coming off assembly line..."

Bubble wrap has always been full of surprises.

It was invented by two engineers back in 1957 - originally to be sold as textured wallpaper.

Mercifully, the wallpaper never caught on - but bubble wrap's cushioning capacity did.

Nat/sot - hart working it even helped cushion a blow to hart himself back in 2003 - when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

"it was reall scary.

// 00:33:04 they said, "there' no easy way to say this.

You have ms."

And they kept talking.

And all i heard was, "yo have ms."

// 00: 033:1 and i thought my life was over."

For years - he was reluctant to stick himself with needles as part of his treatment.

But as his paintings became more popular - the bubbles seemed to speak to him.

"i realized t myself, i'm going, "oh my god.

Ho perverse is this.

You wouldn't inject yourself for a decade, but you're sitting here with thousands of syringes in front of you, injecting paint into bubble wrap."

Filling syringe 00:01:55 "oh this is good... he works up close and personal - closer to his canvas than most are with a brush.

"when i firs started doing it, i injected a couple bubbles, i stood back ten feet, i looked, i went, "o yeah."

And i wen back and injected a couple more..."

"did you really "yeah, yeah.

That' how i started.

"that must've take forever."


So he developed a computer algorithm - that allows him a bird's eye view of the bubbles - while he's working in his own "isn't it tedious?

"oh, it is.

It's 100% and people think i'm ocd.

But i'm not."

What he is - is efficient.

His process creates two paintings at once - turns out the drips from those syringes - have a magic all their own.

"...peeling sound... "i very carefull remove it from the back to expose the impression."

Yep - an impressionist work on one side - mirroring the pointillist painting on the other.

Bradley hart's work is a reminder perhaps in the midst of our pandemic - that we each have to do our part - for the betterment of the whole.

"i joke to peopl that i live in ain a bubble, and by the way, we all live in bubbles.

We choose who we let into our circle.

// 00:46:38 we've all been forced now to create micro bubbles.

// 00:46:44 but guess what.

All these little micro bubbles come together, they make a beautiful painting."

If you can't get hamburger meat, would you eat a meat substitute?

Find out what's available next on mid morning.

The pandemic is taking a bite out of an american favorite - the hamburger.

The virus sickened thousands of workers at packing plants - and beef prices if you can't get hamburger meat, would you eat a meat substitute?

The pandemic is taking a bite out of an american favorite - the hamburger.

The virus sickened thousands of workers at packing plants - and beef prices have risen 20- percent since february.

That has opened the market door to plant-based alternatives.

Barry peteresen reports from cheyenne, wyoming.

- rounding up the cattle - feeding them under an endless wyoming sky, mark eisele and his daughters are calling in the cattle.

Natsot - moo owner of the king ranch company and a rancher for 50 years, eisele's survived droughts, economic downturns...even blizzards.

But the pandemic wreaked havoc on packing plants, causing shortages and concerns.

Mark financially we'll be challenged.// do you think it's gonna get more expensive for consumers?

It probably will for a little while.

I hate to say that, but imagine its supply and demand.

And we're the bottleneck, so we'll be affecting it.

Higher prices, and fewer beef cuts in grocery stores, created a once in a lifetime opportunity for his competitors meat tastes pretty good, right?

So let's go ahead and build it from plants.

Natsot - ethan - "hey there ethan brown is the founder and ceo of "beyond meat", plant-based alternative created in a lab.

He's battling for a bigger share of the market we now have an opportunity to be price competitive with beef, with respect to our burgers.

And so we're taking an opportunity in the summer, we're going to be very aggressive on our pricing.

For summer barbques, a value pack of "beyond burgers sells at a suggested price&of $6.40 per pound&narrowing the gap to beef patties, which is around $5.65 a pound.

This cattleman, for one, isn't buying.

Everything in here is highly processed, and i think that's my biggest problem with it.

Which to you says not as healthy as-- not as healthy-- --a hamburger.

If you're having animal protein three times a day, consuming a lot of processed meat and red meat, i think the literature is pretty clear on the health implications of that i think beef will continue to sell.

I think it's continue to be popular.

Whether faux meat is a fad or part of a new normal, as summer continues to sizzle, the battle for your dollars will stretch from the prairie to the dinner plate.

For cbs this morning, barry petersen, west of cheyenne, wyoming.

Beef is a 67 billion dollar business.

Since the covid-19 outbreak, sales of fresh meat alternatives have more than doubled from a year ago.

A tupelo man is growing food for a weekend backpack ministry in his garden.

Wcbi's allie martin has more on the joyner neighborhood project.

Jerry thompson loves to garden and to help others.

That drive has led to a fruitful outreach to put fresh vegetables on people's plates and helps feed hungry kids at the neighborhood school.

"this small thin can impact people in a big way."

While at church, a few years ago, thompson learned about a joyner elementary food backpack program.

He also happened to have a harvest of vegetables and an idea.

Thompson built a vegetable cart to put produce in and an honor box for donations.

The money goes to the school's backpack meal program.

Kids then take the food home on the weekend, so they won't go without.

"people are no here to buy groceries from me, they are here to make a donation to the program, to feed these hungry children, and i say take some vegetables home as my thank you for contributing, that's the basic way it works."

Thompson is recently retired and also helps at the school's "discover garden."

Vegetables from that garden, which students help grow, are used in school lunches.

"we reall appreciate having somebody in the community who cares so much about our kids here that he would donate not only his time, but money it takes to grow these crops and vegetables, so our kids can have that extra money to go towards food for the weekend, a lot of kids we get don't have those things at home."

Thompson hopes his outreach encourages others.

"book of jame says be doers of the word, not just listeners, don't just hear it, put it to use in your own life, help those around you."

Thompson thought about giving his green thumb a rest this year but knew there would be a great need during the covid-19 pandemic.

Now, he has a garden full, waiting on hungry kids to return to school.

In tupelo, allie martin, wcbi news th thompson has raised about 500 dollars so far this year for the backpack meal program.

To see when he will have his market open, check out his facebook we'lthe wait is over!

America's favorite daytime drama, "th young and the restless" is bac with all new episodes.

Chris martinez has a look.

Nats& "we're back.

"man, were w getting restless."

And so were the viewers.

But the wait is over: america's most watched daytime drama, "th young and the restless" return today with all new episodes.

Nats&return to genoa city.

Return to the drama.

Return to the romance.

We're on the verge of something great.

Bring it on!

The coronavirus pandemic shut down production for the emmy- award winning soap in march.

But the show went on.

Retro-episodes reacquainted longtime fans and introduced new viewers to the daily drama in genoa city.

Filming resumed in mid-july with new safety protocols and social distancing for the cast and crew.

It feels wonderful to be back.

It is a strange thing because you don't get to hug someone that you particularly like and you gotta stay at a certain distance.

We take all that very seriously.

Nats& "so i shouldn't tr to blackmail adam the way he tried to do you?"

The new episodes feature patriarch victor newman staring down a secret that threatens his family.

We cannot spill the beans before the show's on the air, so i can't tell you.

Fasten your seat belts and watch.

You never know.

But i can't tell you a damn thing.

I am&sworn to secrecy."

Other storylines to come: nats&."i woke u with a crazy idea."

Billy and lily navagate their new partnership with a shocking scandal looming.

And sharon's family rallies around her during her brave battle with breast cancer.

So what were castmembers up to during their four month hiatus?

"been reading lot.

You know, reading a lot.

Talking to my family a lot, but reading a great deal.

I love reading."

Nats& cast members singing&.

Others got together via zoom to record the show's theme song& nats&.singing&.

Leading some fans to say&they're really glad their favorite characters are returning to their day jobs.

Chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles.

Yo you can watch "th young and the restless" weekdays right here on wcbi at 11 a.m.

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