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Midmorning With Aundrea - August 31, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

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Midmorning With Aundrea - August 31, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]
Midmorning With Aundrea - August 31, 2020 (Part 1) [ENCORE PRESENTATION]

(Part 1 of 2.

Originally aired August 12, 2020) The CDC has developed a new flea and tick repellent called Nootkatone, a naturally occurring substance made of cedar trees and grapefruit skin.

And digital eye strain has become an unfortunate feature of modern life.

We'll show parents ways to help their children adapt.

And we get up close and personal with Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden's wife Jill.

See you tomorrow.

Tick and mosquito- borne illnesses have been rising in recent years across the country.

Now the cdc says scientists have found a new natural ingredient that repels and kill the biting bugs.

Nichelle medina has more.

Trt 1:26 mosquitoes and ticks are not just a nuisance.

They can transmit life threatening diseases.

Now the centers for disease control and prevention has discovered and developed a new active ingredient to be used in insect repellents and insecticides.

Insecticide resistance, of course, is a problem that we have to constantly tackle.

And so when we use different things and they become less and less effective, we need to come up with novel ways of doing so.

And this is something that helps us to do that.

"nootkatone" is naturally occurring substance found in cedar trees and grapefruit skin.

It's responsible for the smell and taste of grapefruit and it's currently used to make fragrances.

Research shows it may protect from bites as well as products that are currently available.

Diseases spread by mosquitoes and ticks including west nile virus and lyme disease are an increasing health threat.

Experts are especially concerned this year..

With so many of us spending more time outdoors because of the pandemic.

We're moving all of our events outside.

And people are/ being more active outdoors as well // they're going to have more mosquito exposure, they're going to have more tick exposure.

And so there's a lot of things that we need to do to prepare people and help to protect them as well.

Dr. kristy murray is with baylor college of if you need to apply sunscreen and insect repellent, experts recommend applying sunscreen first and insect repellent second.

Millions of americans continue to work from home, finding new routines for their new lives.

As nancy chen reports, it's creating a ripple effect on small businesses like dry cleaners and dog walkers that depend on people being in the office.

1307 "you're m good boy!

Yes, i love you!"

131 before coronavirus bethany lane's dog-walking business was busy.

She and her staff did up to 30 walks a day in manhattan.

But mac the goldendoodle is now her sole client.

0128 "things wer normal, and the next day, we saw a 75 percent decrease in business.

And by the next week, we were completely shut down."

013 lane says many clients no longer need a dog walker because they're doing their jobs at home.

1411 "man businesses supporting office workers have already had to close their doors.

And others are left wondering what's next without a clear idea of when people will stop working from home."

142 a stanford study from earlier this summer found just 26 percent of people were going to their workplace for their jobs.

That's hurting dry cleaners like john rothrock.

0400 "people aren' going to work.

When they don't go to work, they're not wearing clothes and not bringing it to us.

There's no proms, no graduations, no weddings, no funerals, no anniversaries - people aren't getting out on the town and going out and dressing up."

041 rothrock is the owner of yale cleaners, which was started by his grandfather 75 years ago.

They had to close one of their locations and layoff employees.

The national dry cleaners association says across the country many cleaners are seeing a 50 to 80 percent drop in business.

0158 "it wa literally overnight.

One day, we had all the business.

The next day, we had no business.

So it was really a dramatic change."

0207 it's not clear when companies will get more employees back into their buildings, and that has rothrock and others who depend on clients working at the office wondering what the future holds.

Nancy chen, cbs news, new york.

Digital eye strain was an issue before covid-19.

And now a bigger one with some kids spending more time on their devices -- and learning virtually.

Eye strain, headaches, double vision, and sleep disruption are short term side effects with screen time.

Mandy gaither has more on how parents can help kids adjust their eyes.

:09 - :14 dr. david hunter children's hospital boston, opthamology chair --reporter pkg-as follows-- children are drawn to their devices & virtual activities-- meetings--- and computer play time--- affects kids eyes..

"dr. davi hunter/children's hospital boston, opthamology chair /"our eyes ar locked down onto the computer for the better part of the day" the 20-20-20 rule can help after every 20 minutes of screen time -- look away from the screen at least 20 feet for 20 seconds it'll allow children to adapt their eyes to an environment with technology --says doctor david hunter chair of ophthalmology at boston children's hospital.

Dr. david hunter, children's hospital boston, opthamology chair/"tha simulates more of what happens in a normal classroom or a normal office environment.

Your looking around, your taking a break.

Your not locked in during lock down on this screen" ways to stop digital eye strain -- back posture-- screen and room lighting --- and turning off self view -- dr. david hunter, children's hospital boston, opthamology chair/"that ar sitting up properly and not slumping down and not hurting our back.

We also do not want the screen to be positioned not too close cause that can put on demands on the convergence of the eye."

And you can reduce screen time by -- setting timers-- taking breaks-- playing outside-- and parents modeling healthy behavior with devices.

For today's health minute, i'm mandy gaither.

If problems persist with your child's eyes -- make an appointment with an your opthamologist.

A barbershop provides free haircuts for a back to school program.

Barbers at "b-n style" in tupel gave the haircuts.

It's part of an outreach called "youth make difference day" and it was organized by two groups, "jewell' mentoring" an "millennia outreach foundation" along with the free haircuts, backpacks of school supplies were given to kids.

Organizers say they were looking for a way to help families with school age children.

"i want to b influential and send out a message to be encouraging, and let the community know there's someone thinking about them, and they don't have to fight any battles alone."

"a lot of times t be honest, a lot of people can't afford a back to school haircut or school supplies, these events are very much need , even aside from money aspect, showing we do care."

There were also bags filled with personal hygiene items for those care."

There were also bags filled with personal hygiene items for those heading off to college.

A family in baltimore has created a unique way to keep children occupied during the pandemic.

They're shing a light on untold stories-- and empowering others.

Here's nikole killion.

Reading the connollys have turned their love of books into a virtual storytelling series ha laughed zomo, you are not so big.

Taking a page from the old "pbs" sh reading rainbow... "all kinds of book can be used for storytelling."

Seven-year-old elijah runs camera... "welcome welcome!


Sisters clarke and london edit the episodes... what music do we put right here?

It's a family affair led by nathan and his wife shani... both history professors at the johns hopkins university..

What goes into selecting a book?

"we look fo books that are trying to exalt and celebrate some form of black history and culture."

From the african- american the african diaspora... "i have a questio for you about emmanuel's dream."

Each reading is followed by a lesson that encourages viewers to read between the lines.

This is a mostly i guess white community and so they don't really understand the importance of knowing black history.

If you are telling a child black stories or stories about their history that are portraying their history in a beautiful light, their history in a beautiful light, they take the beautiful history that they have and they carry it with them for the rest of their life.

Highlighting black ábooksá that matter.

Nikole killion.

Cbs news.


When we come back, fall means football.

The 20 college football season appears to be in limbo over coronavirus concerns.

Commissioners from several commissioners from several powerhouse conferences held an emergency meeting over the weekend to decide if it's safe to play.

Tom hanson reports from new york.

Pkg: track 1: one of the nation's marquee college conferences is reportedly pulling the plug on the 2020 football season& according to the detroit free press& the big ten - home to powerhouse teams like ohio state, penn state, and michigan - has voted against playing in the fall due to coronavirus concerns& tom hanson "is thi unprecedented?"

Dennis dodd: "o yeah, this is the biggest week in college football history.

After 151 years that we're going to find out.

You know what this game is made of."

Track 2: the news comes on the heels of the mid- american conference canceling its football season on saturday.

Sot: "there are simpl too many unknowns for us to put our student-athletes in situations that are not clearly understood."

Nats championship game: "lsu!

Track 3: áother college football heavy hitters may follow suit after a weekend of meetings between the athletic directors of the "power 5" which includes the big ten, big twelve, sec, pac twelve, and acc.

Dennis dodd: "thi seems to be week zero for college football, i would suspect."

Track 4: senior cbs sports writer dennis dodd says while a spring season may be possible, the financial impact of a no-football fall could be devastating.

Dennis dodd: "thes athletic budgets are 80% from football revenue.

So if you don't have football revenue, you don't have sports."

Track 5: several student athletes have pushed back on twitter with the hashtag #wewanttoplay.

Even president trump used the hashtag, tweeting, "the student athletes have been working too hard for their season to be cancelled."

But with covid-19 cases passing 5 million in the united states, at this point, a fall season might be a hail mary.

Tom hanson, cbs news, new york.

She can do it all.

And, then some.

She can do it all.

And, then some.

Now jill biden is doing even more as the she is a mother, a wife, a doctor and a teacher.

Here's some insight into jill biden.

Rita braver reports.

It is one of the most striking scenes of campaign 2020: jill biden fending off a heckler who goes after her husband.

But, then, jill biden has always stood up for her family: cut to hammonton, new jersery page 9 rita: when you were a young girl someone was picking on your little sister, by throwing worms, at her&you knocked on the town bully's door and& jill: yes, yes& rita: and what jill: and i pulled back and punched him right in the face, and i said," don't you ever throw worms on my sister again!"

Vo: campaign footage joe and jill.

2-decades later, she's more measured, when it comes to president trump's taunts of her husband&as "sleepy joe" rita: page 17 11:32:46 would you call donald trump a bully?

Sot jill: i'm not gonna call donald trump names, bcause then i'm doing the exact same negative thing that he does to other people and i won't stoop to that.

Vo: see us in the park at hammonton 3-that combination of grace and grit&was forged here in hammonton, new jersey&where jill jacobs was born in 1951&..

Cut to monument 4 her dad's name is here on the world war ii monument- donald jacobs& page 20 walk and talk 11:30:04 we used to take polish, actually//and shine his name &right there vo: the restaurant&wide shot& 5-this restaurant was once a pharmacy owned by her mother's parents.

Her mom worked behind the soda fountain.

Her dad showed up-- a lot: page 4 walk and talk, 10:38:44 at restaurant rita: he was kind of wooing your mother here, but your grandmother never really liked him& jill: oh, no//he was literally from the other side of the tracks.//she-told my mother that she could not see my father.

Vo stills of family, etc&, and or wide shots&cut to house& 6-but her parents married!

And though they eventually moved away, they came back here every weekend&.with jill and her sisters.

Still, there was always a little tension, especially when it came to sunday dinner: page27 12:05: 47 jill biden at grandparents house the grandmothers were kind of in competition with one another, so we'd start here at grandmom jacobs, we would have a typical italian meal, with the bracciole// then ma said&wait&you know, i made dinner for too, for you.

Rita: then you had to go to the other grandmother?

Jill: we'd have to eat at both houses.

Vo: house still of young jill and joe, joe with kids: 7- it was here&at the home of her paternal grandparents&tha t jill jacobs first introduced the family to joe biden, the u.s. senator she'd been dating-a widower 9 years her senior with 2 young sons: in front of house page 29 12:10:24 sot jill: my grandmother, when she saw joe&she was so excited... i can picture her in her housecoat and her black lace shoes//she said, i am so excited to meet you.

Because she was a staunch democrat!

Vo stills of wedding pix, beau and hunter: 8-jill and joe biden were married in 1977.

She says she first fell in love with his boys&beau and hunter.

And they were front and center in 1980, when she realized that she and joe might be expecting a new baby&.

Page 9 approx 11:14:30 jill: they went with me to the drugstore to get the pregnancy test&it was a whole little conspiracy& rita: i love that..and they were the ones who actually told their dad?

Jill: yes, they told their dad& rita: we're having a baby& jill: were having a baby// and i said, "you can name th baby."

Vo three kids, jill in graduation hat, as a teacher, etc: 9-they chose ashley!

But as much as jill biden loved being a mom, she also wanted a career.

She got a doctorate in education&and has worked as a community college teacher for years&even as second lady: sitdown page 10: 11:16:19 jill:// i teach a lot of immigrants, and refugees&and i love their stories, i love who they are as people and i love the fact that i can help them on their path to success.

You'll keep teaching if you become first lady?

Jill: i hope so.

I would love to.

If we get to the white house, i'm gonna continue to teach//it's important&and i want people to value teachers and know their contributions and- and lift up the profession.

Rita: // so you're really planning to do it as first lady?

Jill: yeah yeah.

Rita wow.

Cut to campaign call rehobeth nat sound up woman: our future first lady 10-at virtual campaign events, like this one from her dining table& sot jill sitting at table this pandemic has really shown a light on the inequities throughout the united states& vo more at table dr. b, as her students and staff call her&often speaks to teachers groups.

Cut to page 5 11:06 rita: do you see yourself as someone who will be an advisor to the president?

Jill: it's a marrage//and you listen to one another , you talk things out with one another.

11:09:12 rita: have you weighed in on who you think would be a good vice president for him&and who might not be so good?

Jill: we've talked about the different women candidates.

But-its gotta be joe's decision&who he feels most comfortable with, who shares his values, and that's what he's always said he and barack had.

Sot joe: 18:26:21 what jill is best at helping me do is figure out who the people around me would be most compatible with me.

She knows me, i think , better than i know me.

Vo: set up shot 11- we caught up with vice president biden this past week 18-31 rita: what's the secret to this marriage?

Joe: i adore her&it sounds gonna sound so stupid i was saying to her the other day, when comes down the steps and i look at her..i heart still skips &a beat.

Vo pix of funeral 11a-but in 2015, the couple went thru the devastating loss of their son beau, to cancer 18:26:51 rita: what did it mean to you to have her at your side during this?

Sot joe: in one sense, i wish she hadnt been there, because i hated to see the pain //we can be completely, totally open and let our grief show through with one another and i've just been lucky to have her, as i had my son hunter and my daughter ashley.

They have been enormous strengths for us.

Cut to jill sitdown 11:21:43 you write that you feel sometimes like a piece of china that was shattered and put together again&.

Together& jill..yeah rita: &but you still feel broken?

Jill: you know, you can't lose a child and be who you- your'e changed forever.

You're not the person you were before your child's death//so yeah, you are broken.

Vo: shot of beau and joe, maybe announcement video headlines re:women'?

13-still she says, beau wanted his dad to run for president&and she is all in on the campaign.

But there have been plenty of bumps in the road& page 14: 11:26 rita: allegations started to come out that some women thought your husband had been too familiar with them& sot jill: well i think it was a space issue//they felt that they wanted more space.

Rita: he made them feel uncomfortable jill: //joe realized that&and learned from it//i mean he's totally aware of it now and keeps his distance.

Vo hunter&with her and joe 14-and she has watched as president trump has tried to make their son hunter's work in ukraine a campaign issue& page 15, 11:29 jill: it's a total distraction//we knew this, rita, when we decided to run//but i said to joe, we have experienced the worst possible thing that could happen to us in life.

We lost a child.

Together we can handle anything&and that's what we're trying to do.

Rita: page 20, 11:29:54//do you hold a grudge against president trump for some of the things he's said about your family?


I don't think he should be attacking my family.

My family is not fair game.

Joe is running against him.

That's different.

Not my children.

Cut to jill doing various things: ááá15- biden says if she becomes first lady& she'll advocate for free community college tuition, funding for cancer research&and support for military families, as she did as second lady.

Cut to beach rita: so rehobeth beach delaware?

This is your refuge..

Jill&yes isn't it beautiful&look at this& rita: it is gorgeous.

Vo: wide on beach cut to shot of airfoce 2 but she will always make time for a little fun...and still laughs about a practical joke she played years ago...when she was the first to arrive at air force two one day.

Sot beachwalk page 12:49 on cam and with photos overhead bin and i jumped into there& //and then as soon as they went to open the bin&i you know i jumped out and i scared everybody.

I think we laughed for like, a half an hour.

Wide shot at beach: 17 vo: and if jill biden becomes first lady& page 2 beach walk and talk 12:50 rita: will we see unconventional &things from you?

Jill: i hope so&why not?

Things are &they're so serious and these times are so tough.

Sometimes it takes a little levity&a little laughter to lighten things up.

A little joy.

When we come back, sometimes things happen when they are supposed to happen.

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