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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Students back on campus at Simpson University for the first time months

Credit: KHSL
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Students back on campus at Simpson University for the first time months
Students back on campus at Simpson University for the first time months
Life at Simpson University looks a little different for the fall semester.


Simpson university students back on campus for the start of the semester.

Action news now reporter ana torrea is live on the campus.

How do things look ana?

All around campus: there are signs reminding students to wear their masks and practice social distancing.

And the university also taking extra steps to make sure students and staff stay safe.

Trt:03 norman hall president of simpson university it's a new normal// everyone has been very patient that new normal at simpson university looks like this: face masks on campus... students disinfecting their desk after each use... and getting temperatures checks just before you drive- in.

Take so* trt:04 zack caples 4th year at simpson university it's a little bit of an inconvenience but its what we have to do to stay open the university also switching to "hy-flex" learning.

Take so* trt:10 fatima valenzuela 2nd year at simpson university im going to do hybrid, sometimes im going to do it by zoom and sometimes in class.

The hard classes im going to try to do it in person.

But as students settle into their "new normal".

The university also prepping for potential covid-19 cases.

Ana stand u* ((trying to be demonstrative here.

Sorry if its long... trying to keep tracks shorter.

Trt:38 ana torrea atorreanews now if a student does test positive for coronavirus the university plans to set up several trailers here on this parking lot.

As you can see, it's empty for now, but this is where they're going to be and those trailers will then be hooked up to that electrical box behind me.// on top of those trailers, simpson university set aside several dorms here at measell taylor residency hall it's these dorms here that are right behind me.

As you can see theres no hallway or corridor here for students & anyone who is showing symptoms of coronavirus would be isolated// inside one of these dorms here for at least 14 days.

Take so* trt:06 norman hall president on simpson university they would go to a high quarantine where they would go into a room with no other interaction the university says there's no need for the trailers or isolation rooms just yet but they want to be prepared the university plans to have at least 5-to-15 quarantine trailers set up in the parking lot.

Reporting live in redding, ana torrea, action news now coverage you can count on.

Before coming back to campus: students need to test negative for covid-19.

And once they're back on campus: they get tested again.


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