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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Locals living with Covid-19 speak out

Credit: KQTV
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Locals living with Covid-19 speak out
Locals living with Covid-19 speak out

As covid-19 continues to spread locally, those who've contracted it are sharing their stories.

Thanks nadia, well the coronavirus is spreading right here in our community and now those who've tested positive are sharing their stories.

We spoke with two local people who've contracted the virus, they shared with us what effect it's had on them.

<<kq2's ron johnson as covid-19 is continuing to spread across the area, those who've contracted it are sharing their's kind of like you're drowning you, can't catch your breath this woman says her symptoms started with a bad headachei called my husband at work and i said you need to take me to the hospitalthe next day they called me and said i tested positive.

And this man who came down with the virus about a month ago says he was starting to feel better during his initial two weeks with covid-19 but then very badly in about a twelve hour span.i woke up in the middle of the night i think it was around 3 a.m.

You know just covered in sweat.

In one night the cough went from somewhat annoying to i couldn't take a full breathhe says he spent days in the hospital struggling to breathe.while both patients are now out of the hospital and home recovering they say they're both still living with the lingering symptoms of the virus.

I'm still very tired.

I tire real easily, and i don't have my taste and smell all the way back yet.

My wife is closer to 100% none of it was as complicated as what hit me.

What concerns them the most, is knowing they're not the only ones going through thisi know people now friends of mine that are just starting the process with it, lot of them have my same symptoms, they're really struggling and they're perfectly healthy individuals.they say their best advice for everyone is not letting your guard down.

..people who you see everyday they say we all have to keep wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing whenever we can to stop this spike of cases.

It's really sad and i that enough>> one of the survivors said he was perfectly healthy before contracting the virus, while the other we spoke to says she's still struggling with smell and

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