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Midmorning With Aundrea - September 29, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - September 29, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - September 29, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) United Airlines is unveiling a rapid coronavirus test for those traveling to Hawaii with the hopes of making it international soon.

And we meet some civic-minded teenagers who are trying to change the world for the better.

And Jane Pauley sits down for an interview with the legendary Mariah Carey

>> that will do it for us.a a very specical midmorning starts right now.

Health experts have been emphasizing the importance of getting flu vaccine this year during the covid-19 pandemic.

Now a new survey shows many parents are planning to skip flu shots for their kids.

Nancy chen has more.

The bower family gets flu shots every year&but they're making it even more of a priority now because of the pandemic.

We wanted to make sure that we really made every effort to protect ourselves, at least from the flu.

Doctors say it's critical to get vaccinated this year because the flu and the coronavirus have similar symptoms and a surge in flu cases could overwhelm the health system .

But a new poll finds one in three parents say their child is unlikely to get the vaccine and only one-third believe it's more important this year.

Most common concerns ..side effects, and that the vaccine is not effective.

One other thing that we heard that was unusual for this year // was they're afraid to bring the kid into a provider's office, because they don't want to expose the kid to covid.

Sarah clark is the co-director of the cs mott children's hospital national poll on children's health.

She says parents need to get the message.

One of the benefits of flu vaccine is that it lessens the severity.

In cases where the individual does, in fact, get influenza, vaccinated people are much less likely to have serious complications and hospitalizations.

Thousands of children are hospitalized every year because of the flu and some die.

Children under 5 are at high risk for serious complications.

Lisa bower says her family is taking many precautions during this unprecedented time.

Best thing for my children is having them wear masks when they're outside, they're following the right hand washing recommendations, socially distancing.

She hopes it will keep her family and others safe and healthy.

Nancyt chen, cbs news, new york.

The cdc recommends everyone six months and older get the flu vaccine and it's best to be vaccinated by the end of october.

United airlines is rolling out a rapid covid test in san francisco, for flights to hawaii.

If it works there, united hopes to offer testing options at its major hubs across the country.

That ápotentiallyá could allow americans to travel internationally again.

Kris van cleave got an exclusive look at the program.

"i'm getting tested united employee eduardo marquez is getting the rapid covid test passengers at san fransico's airport will soon be taking just hours before departing for hawaii.

"it was simple, fast not invasive at all" united is the first u-s airline to roll out a covid testing program for passengers- starting october 15th.

Bay area flyers bound for hawaii will be given the option to order an at-home testing kit or reserve a time for a rapid test at the airport.

"we really see thi as a great opportunity to provide access to testing for our customers, to get them back in the air and traveling as safely as possible.

áá hawaii has been largely closed to tourists since march, but next month--with proof of a negative covid test result within 72 hours prior to arrival&the state will waive its two week quarantine.

Hawaii officials will verify those results as flights come in.

Richard pagano flew to maui wednesday.

Because if it got me out of quarantine for two weeks, a lot of extra time back to me and also make sure that i'm not getting my friend sick or anyone who is like in the risk zone sick.

The rapid testing at sfo is already available to airport and airline employees.

It takes about 20 minutes from arrival to result and intially will cost 250 dollars.

The at-home kit will be 80 bucks plus shipping and go to this san francisco lab for processing.

Flyers will have results within 48 hours.

United hopes to eventually expand testing options to its hubs across the country in cities like new york, chicago and los angeles.

United sees this effort as a major step towards reconnecting the u.s. with international travel.

Airlines are pushing for "air bridges between major cities like new york and london that would require pre-flight covid tests for all on board american airlines is looking at offering tests to passengers.

Lufthansa also plans to offer tests to passengers next month, and already has testing centers for arriving passengers in munich and frankfurt.

Kris van cleave, cbs news, dulles airport.

New york's jfk airport and newark airport are working with a private company to offer passengers a rapid covid test before boarding.

Taking lessons from the classroom to policy.

The generation that hopes to make a difference the cbs series " more perfect union" aims t show that what unites us as americans is far greater than what divides us.

Adriana diaz introduces us to a group of teenagers -- some of them too young to vote -- who are working to strengthen their communities and american democracy itself.

From protesting gun violence& to rallying against climate change generation z has raised it voice to change the world.

Generation z is the most diverse, most educated, and most interconnected generation.

// we have a unique perspective and a unique energy to not only change significant issues in the country, but change the systems behind the issues// 17 year old thanasi dilos is one of those change makers.

In may 2019 he co- founded "civic unplugged" ... a organization helping more than 400 students craft and fund their passion projects.

They all serve a common goal, is to push america forward.

It's to get kids more educated.

And it's to serve democracy.

We've learned that we can harness the power of change.

And we can take our specific and unique strengths to actually turn change into action.

16-year-old noor mryan wanted to give her peers a productive outlet after covid- 19 canceled plans& so she co-created an online civics camp.

We're all living through unprecedented times and we figured, why not make a use out of the time we have at home?

So make sure that you keep contacting legislators& 18-year-old harvard freshman tarina ahuja wanted to see more empathy in public policy so she started a think tank called the greater good initiative.

&working to write nonpartisan policy in the areas of education, public health, economy, civil rights and environment.

And these are teenagers writing policy for the u.s. government?


// and we have, like, 70 page briefs.


You take the raw and genuine passion of young people.

You pair that with the resources.

And then, you know, after that you have a supernova of action.

We're going to need to split history of race into 3 different lessons... 17 year old kentuckian, zoe jenkins, saw vital lessons missing from her education so she wrote her own curriculum to teach students about diversity, equity and anti- racism.

We talk about the differences between race and ethnicity and really educate people on things that our education system should've already taught them, a lot of it is teaching people it's okay to not know.

Though their youth comes with advantages... it's also used against them.

We were // advocating for // increasing the number of school counselors.

And we got a response of, "oh, you guy should set up a little bake sale and raise money."

/ and it's like, that's not real policy change.

Do you guys think your generation gets a bad rap?

We do have that reputation for being engrossed in technology.

// but the really cool thing is we're also using those things to achieve some of these missions, whether it be sending messages on tiktok about empathy, about social justice,// about how to vote, or using instagram and snapchat to amplify stories that haven't been heard.

If i can cause 100- 200 kids to start their projects, i think my work has been a success.

Thanasi says civics unplugged - which is non profit and non partisan - has partnered with major foundations...secu ring $1 million in pledges to support these student projects.

I'm watching you.

And i have to remind myself you're just 17 years old.

You look like a veteran politician giving a speech.

I think that social media and covid has accelerated our development but we don't have time to wait until we graduate college to make change.

Change needs to happen right now.

We're the generation that came of age after 9/11.

// we're also all coming of age during a global pandemic, and the new civil rights movement.

// i don't think we've ever had a sense of urgency like what we're seeing right now.

And with their potential áunpluggedá... they say their reach has no limits.

Adriana diaz, cbs news.

The glamour and the talent makes it look easy.

But as one music legend explains, that?s not always the case.

A conversation ma mariah carey is a music legend.

But it was the struggles of her early life that truly forged her, as she told jane pauley during a recent visit... jane pauley: 16:16:23 mariah carey, hello.

Mariah carey: 16:16:25 hello, jane.

Good morning- narration # 1: yeah, the one andne and only mariah carey&with a record 19 chart topping hits&and that famous five octave range.

But in a new memoir, mariah carey goes deep into some very dark places& mariah carey: 16:30:01 // there's a lot of stuff that i'm dealing with in the book that i have never dealt with, even in conversation with some of my closest, closest friends.

Narration # 2: the youngest member of an interracial family, she was three when her parents divorced.

She grew up with her mother.

And though she was a trained opera singer, carey writes, they lived in near poverty and chronic instablity&moving 13 times.

The one sustaining constant&mariah carey had a vision&of success.

Jane pauley: 16:22:13 //if i'm reading your book correctly, even as a child, you felt a certain inevitability about that, right?

Mariah carey: 16:22:44 // i always knew that i would do this and it was just a matter of when it was going to happen.

// because i came from, you know-- a broken and dysfunctional family and-- without money or things that most people had&when i say without money, we really didn't have much of anything.

Narration # 3: it was a bleak and scary childhood&that she spun into gold and platinum& 16:23:14 // because i felt like such an outsider, which is a theme // i've dealt with in my music from the beginning-- // in terms of being-- a black woman who was also of mixed race// 16:23:58 because when someone is vis-- visually ambiguous, like myself, there's a certain-- there's a lotta different misconceptions that come with that.

// jane pauley: 16:30:36 // one of the most painful-- episodes in the book happened when you were-- in-- in middle school and-- //and hangin' out with-- girls that were-- you know, every middle school has its mean girls, right, // mariah carey: 16:31:04 // they weren't, like, the ultimate cool girls of the school.// jane pauley: 16:31:11 okay, fine.


Mariah carey: 16:31:12 but they were very pretty and // they were different than me because they were white girls-- who kinda could wake up and just look fabulous with their hair, that didn't need to be tended to and dealt with.

16:31:30 with the actual texture that my hair is where it's curly but it's frizzy and it's this and it's that, // 16:31:46 and my mother kind of being oblivious to the fact that, like, yeah, we need conditioner and // we need to figure out this child's hair.

Narration # 4: so then these "pretty girls invite her to spend a weekend& mariah carey: 16:33:07 // i was so excited and innocently thinking, oh, this is gonna be great, know, i just felt utterly betrayed because they cornered me in order to-- just completely derail me and use words we don't say.

Jane pauley: 16:33:39 the words that you're thinking, yeah, over and over and over and over again-- mariah carey: 16:33:43 over and over and over-- in a chant.

Narration # 5: fast forward five years - one of the most powerful names in the music industry - sony music ceo tommy mottola discovers a teenager named mariah carey.

When they married in 1993, more of us knew her name than his.

Jane pauley: 16:37:43 // you're the power couple in the music industry, //but one of you didn't have any power and that was you.

Mariah carey: 16:37:56 right.

I did not have any power in that relationship.

// narration # 6: she was 23.

He was 44!

Mariah carey: 16:38:15 // i was a kid in his world and i just kept making money for the company.

Just kept goin' in and making records and making records and writing songs and, you know-- feeding the machine.

And i was living my dream but it was also a nightmare.

Narration # 7: "storybook manor is what she named the mansion the two of them built together with all the trappings of success.

As she describes in a chapter she called "princess prisoner"...she fel trapped.

Mariah carey: 16:40:42 // when you're young and you're an artist and everybody else is, like, having fun and going out and experiencing the limelight and the fame // i wasn't doing that.

I was, you know, living in this beautiful mansion but it was very-- lonely and-- and hard to just even catch my breath or have a phone conversation.

Narration # 8: carey and mottola divorced after 5 years.

Finally free...and at the peak of her recording career, she tried movies&leading to the darkest chapter of her life.

Mariah carey: 16:58:00 // i couldn't even say the word, glitter.

It'd be like people around me sparkle instead of glitter.// narration # 9: 'glitter' was loosely based on her life.

It bombed.

Jane pauley: 16:55:37 // there was a year, // the tabloids tried to eat you alive, and i'm talkin' about-- 2001-- mariah carey: 16:56:07 the glitter era--// 16:56:16 // it was an intense time.

16:56:35 // there's very few people, //who understand, like, being under the constant scrutiny-- of the world or the press,// jane pauley: 16:57:17 well, you describe// the low point, i guess-- when you went// a week with two hours' sleep?

Mariah carey: 16:57:30 yeah; six days.

Jane pauley: 16:57:33 and that's-- that's-- i mean, that's-- that's not-- not well and-- and-- mariah carey: 16:57:37 it's unacceptable.

But i allowed myself to be put in the position-- for that to happen.

So, i was working so hard and // 16:58:00 and i wasn't about to let everything i'd worked so hard for just to slip away.

So, i worked myself into the ground.

Narration # 10: ...and into treatment late in the summer of 2001.

Jane pauley: 16:58:51 when the twin towers fell on 9/11?

Mariah carey: 16:59:16 i was in a very dark place that ended up almost completely destroying my life.

But when the towers were collapsing, i left that place and somehow survived, like we all had to.

Personal drama attached to it 'cause that was the day it was-- that glitter was supposed to be released // jane pauley: 17:00:07 but it was the day you were-- released-- from-- a place-- mariah carey: 17:00:13 from a place that i didn't belong-a facility& narration # 11: ten days later&mariah carey reappeared in the spotlight&singing a song america need to hear& mariah carey: 17:00:42 and honestly, it was such a rough time for us all that it just-- my own personal drama fell by the wayside.// narration # 12: mariah carey not only wrote hero but 18 of her number one hits&she was inducted this year into the songwriters hall of fame.

Narration # 13: and yes, she wrote that one too.

Last year, 25 years after "all i wan for christmas is you" debuted, a instant holiday standard, it hit number one on the billboard chart.

A gift from her 'lambs' - as her fans are known.

She calls them her 'lambily'.

Mariah carey: 16:52:07 // there's just no way to describe the fact that it is a real relationship that i have with my fans.

And, no, it is not lip service.

It is genuine gratitude for them, and for them validating my existence.

Narration # 14: now the devoted mother to nine year-old twins with former husband nick cannon, at, 50, mariah carey is looking forward to chapters yet to come& jane pauley: 16:35:44 // your life is kind of like your range.

The lows are incredibly low.

The highs are incredibly high.

And you gotta deal with 'em both.

// mariah carey: 16:36:17 i know---it's interesting that you say it like that because // it's sort of like, yeah, what would you rather have, like, access to meeting all your, the icons and // all the fabulous moments // but then the lows are extremely low.

And where i've had to come up to just feel, like, worthy-- of basically anything is-- you know, it's been a long journey and we're still on it.

When a small job goes big, it can be a really good things.

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