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Midmorning With Aundrea - September 30, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - September 30, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - September 30, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Home prices are soaring despite the recession caused by the coronavirus.

We explore why this is happening.

And the fantasy of the flying car may be finally getting off the ground.

And a group of suburban women from Pennsylvania discuss what issues matter most to them in this election.

>> nightie prices for many everyday items have surged in recent years.

Across the country, home prices are breaking records, despite the recession caused by the corona- virus.

The median price of a townhouse, home, or condo soared above 300 thousand dollars for the first time over the summer.

The average property is selling in just 22 days, the fastest time on record.

Cbs began reporting this story before the pandemic began.

Recently tony dokoupil returned, to find out why this is happening.

Script: ??

"boy, the wa glenn miller played..."


Back in 1971 when "all in the family debuted on cbs... ??

"...guys like us we had it made..."


No one questioned how a ádock workerá named archie bunker ... archie: and i didn't finish high school, neither.

... could afford a home on this charming block in queens, new york.


"...those wer the days!"


Back then, archie's home was worth about $35- thousand.

Today, it's is valued at more than $800,000.

Even after correcting for inflation, that's more than triple what archie would have paid for it.

And sure enough&when we visited last winter& 15:43:33 my name's tony.

I work for cbs news... &we couldn't find many archie bunkers buying into the neighborhood.

Tony dokoupil: 15:59:31 have you met anybody in the neighborhood who is a dock worker?

Mother: 15:59:36 no.

You're more likely to find doctors, nurses and engineers.

Tony dokoupil: 15:50:35 you're a tech worker?

Jonathan maravilla: 15:50:36 i am a tech worker, yeah.

Tony dokoupil: 15:50:37 yeah, there's no calluses on your hand.

Jonathan maravilla: 15:50:39 yeah, yeah.

I only touch keyboard.

Kevin haghighat: 16:05:12 it's unaffordable for the working man these days.

Tony dokoupil: 16:05:15 these houses?

Kevin haghighat: 16:05:16 these days.

And not even covid- 19 could change that.

When the pandemic hit, we had just finished filming this story.

And at the time, we made the decision not to air it - thinking surely housing prices are going to come down.

That's not the case.

The coronavirus has inspired many buyers to look for larger, more comfortable homes, that new demand has run into an old problem: since 1960 home prices across the country have risen more than four times faster than income&.and many experts say the cause is frustratingly simple: america has a housing shortage.

Some 400,000 áfewerá homes came up for sale this summer, compared to last.

Tbd home construction nats more than a decade after the crash of 2008, developers are still cautious about new construction.

And when they ádoá try to build, they can sometimes be blocked by people who already live nearby.

Judy neville: 15:04:37 there would be buildings all along here, buildings all along there... people like judy neville ... who told us the plan to re- develop this lot near her home would hurt the neighborhood.

Tony dokoupil: 14:44:30 if this were built as planned, what would happen?

Judy neville: 14:44:33 well, for one thing-- the schools would be terribly overcrowded.

Neville lives just outside of boston, in newton, massachusetts.

Judy neville: 14:02:41 it's a desirable place to live.

We met her one day before voters here would decide whether to approve a plan to add more than 800 new apartments - a plan thousands of people like her oppose.

Judy neville: 14:45:31 we would have absolute gridlock-- that we would have concerns-- parking concerns for all the neighbors that are currently here.

/// tony dokoupil: 14:52:34 in this big national fight over affordable housing, there are people who say you are the problem.

People like you, who are saying, "not in m backyard."

Judy neville: 14:52:45 oh, we're not saying, "not i my backyard."

We're saying, "definitely in ou backyard.

Just don't make it as big as you want to make it."

But when there aren't enough affordable homes ...prices explode&forcing families to the top of their budgets - áifá they can afford to buy at all.

Tony doukopil: 00:07:01 to make matters worse, here in philadelphia and in many cities all across the u.s., families looking to buy their first homes are competing not only with other families but with investors.

In fact, a record number of them.

In 2018, nearly a quarter of all the homes sold here in the philadelphia area sold not to people looking for a place to live but a place to profit.

Tony dokoupil: 00:49:49 why are investors apparently so interested in places like philadelphia?

Ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:49:52 well, for one reason, the rent is high.

Ashley lauren farnschlader is a realtor here.

Ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:00:54 a lotta the homes that you see now weren't here or didn't look like this.

They've been renovated... she says investors have snatched up properties ... becoming landlords in some of the city's rapidly- gentrifying neighborhoods.

Ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:50:10ish i actually had a listing in fishtown not too long ago.

First day on the market, a cash investor snapped it up for an airbnb.

Nobody even had a shot at it, really.

/// ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:50:59 it was a great house, and it was a really competitive price.

It was in the mid- $400,000s, so it would've been attractive to a first-time homebuyer.

Tony dokoupil: 00:51:05 and instead-- ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:51:06 the investor-- tony dokoupil: 00:51:06 --it's an airbnb.

Ashley lauren farnschlader: 00:51:07 yes, uh-huh .

Back in newton ... judy neville at least acknowledged america's need for more housing.

12:17 tony dokoupil: 14:53:44 so you're not saying, "not i my backyard."

You're just saying, "not so much" judy neville: 14:53:48 not so much.

Absolutely-- tony dokoupil: 14:53:49 "a little bi in my backyard" judy neville: 14:53:50 absolutely.

Not so much.

Tony dokoupil: 14:53:52 if everybody takes the position that you're taking, there won't be enough housing to go around for the to the rescue.

One plan is about to take off in england.

That engineers at mississippi state are know for designing cars of the future.

Flying cars and personal aircraft are the stuff of fiction and science fiction.

But as kris van cleave explains, the reality may here sooner that you think.

The fantasy of the flying car may finally be getting off the ground.

The toyota-backed company skydrive recently showed off a short, but successful test flight of the personal aircraft it's developing.

Innovators around the globe are going to new heights to create personal aircraft..

In all shapes and sizes.

03:43 we're seeing a lot of companies investing in this because the expectation is that by 2040 this is gonna be a multi trillion dollar industry.

Cnet roadshow's tim stevens says some are developing planes that double as a car... but increasingly protypes take off vertically..

No runway need.

That includes uber's elevate..

Basically ride sharing for the sky.

"uber wants t develop hubs that would exist in major cities where you could basically go there like a train station sort of thing, go up to the roof, hop in one of these things and then get out at the airport or maybe some station close to your home out in the suburbs."

Initially a pilot would be at the controls, but the plan is for the aircraft to eventually fly autonomously.

Airplane maker airbus is also working on an air taxi.

We visited their test site in oregon last year to see a flight&which only lasted a few minutes.

One of the challenges will be developing better lighter batteries that let these things fly farther and longer.

Their goal is launch a remotely controlled four seat craft called city airbus... but there's a major hurdle... establishing regulations to manage the airspace.

"so a lot o questions need to be resolved before these things can really hit the air."

Uber is moving ahead and hopes to have a piloted aircraft by 20-23.

Skydrive is working to launch its personaal vehicle that same year.

Kris van cleave, cbs news, washington.

Paramedics are used to travelling by ambulance and even by helicopter to deliver emergency care - but soon they could be taking to the skies over england in jet packs.

Rylee carlson shows us how the jetpacks can help access hard to reach areas even faster.

This could be the future of remote medicine.

A paramedic with a jet pack, reaching places helicopters can't ... helping critically ill patients much quicker.

England's great north air ambulance service is hoping to launch the first jet suit paramedic.

"nobody in th world would expect, that as an air ambulance we could get to someone in a jet suit in a matter of minutes and get them some pain relief, or ultimately in the worst cases, save their life."

On a test flight in northwest england, the jet pak navigated rocky hillsides in just 90 seconds - a journey officials say would take 25 minutes on foot.

The suit is covered in 5 mini jet engines, can reach 32 miles per hour and flies for about 5 minutes.

"were not talkin about big distances, but were talking about steep gradients - and that's the difference" the designer - gravity industries - is in talks with paramedics to make modifications to the suit.

They're hoping to reach their first patients by jet pack next summer.

Rylee carlson cbs news london.

The jet pack would be armed with a first aid kit, strong pain relievers, and a defibrillator.

The coronavirus has put the brakes on many companies... and created a national bike shortage.

But sales for one local business is actually speeding up..

They make their own bikes.

Stacey butler introduces us to the electric bike company that's cruising.

Sean lupton-smith 19:12:54 we've hired about four times more than what we started the year with.

At a time when many businesses pulled back during the covid closures... the electric bike company hit its stride.

19:13:01 all of a sudden we just started building more builders and painters and folks.

Even now as much of orange county has re-opened... sean lupton-smith says demand for his e bikes built in his newport beach skyrocketing.

19:12:01 covid has in fact, almost helped our business bc more people want to get outside.

They want to get exercise.

They want to go together as a family.

Instead of shutting down six months ago...his team decided to work separate 8 hour shifts around the clock.

Pre covid...he built and sold fifty bikes a week.

Now its 150 a week they custom build them, pack them up and ship them all over the world.

19:15:04 we are the only major brand that actually builds their bikes here in the united states.

Sourcing parts from 11 different countries his engineers build batteries from scratch...mechanic s hand cut and mold fenders and chain guards out of wood that become -this.

He orders spokes from taiwan, but in his where-house this lacing machine connects the spokes to the rim.

He hires oc painters for frames and leaves them to dry anywhere there's room.

He's so busy, he opened a showroom in huntington beach on a day he'll never forget.

19:20:41 we opened our showroom on the fourth of july in the middle of covid...being in america...the country's just amazing.

When we come back, a group of women in the suburbs talk about the issues when we come back, a group of women in the suburbs talk about the issues that mean the most to we're just days away from the election, and once again all eyes are on pennsylvania and its 20 electoral votes.

In 2016, president donald trump beat hillary clinton by less than one percent there.

According to the website áfive thirty eightá, pennsylvania looks like the single most important state of the 20 election.

President trump has recently tweeted several times to what he calls the "suburba housewife."

H says they will be voting for him and that quote, "bide will destroy your neighborhood and your american dream."

Cbs this morning anchor anthony mason talked with six women from the philadelphia suburbs at a local gym for a socially distant conversation about that and other issues.

Script: hanna: 18:53:13 my name is hanna and i'm a conservative republican.

And one of my main issues that i'm passionate about is the pro-life movement.

Melinda: 18:54:22 my name is melinda.

I was a lifelong republican, but i did not vote for trump in 2016.

// and i am now a democrat.

Anthony mason: 18:54:52 cynthia?

Cynthia: 18:54:55 my name is cynthia.

I'm a registered republican, but i'm really an independent.

// i'm likely to vote for biden.

Edith: 18:55:35 my name is edith.

I'm a moderate d-- democrat.

And the most pressing issues for me are the economy and the divisiveness in the country.

Mary ellen: 18:54:04 my name's mary ellen.

I was a-- long term democrat committee person in 2016.

And i plan on voting for trump again.

Debbie: 18:53:45 my name is debbie.

I'm a democrat.

I was a little disillusioned with politics, but i feel a little bit better, especially since biden chose harris for his running mate.

Top issue/voting why anthony mason: 18:56:07 what was the most important issue that contributed to your decision?


Debbie: 18:56:16 // the fact that i think biden is more of a-- he's more sensitive to people's needs and t-- to the middle class.

I think trump is very-- about himself.

Mary ellen: 18:57:02 my community is 100% democrat controlled and // i feel like i've been dealing with just lip service people and not action&.that's why i've changed, you know, my viewpoint.

// trump seems like the type of person has-- let's just do it.

Anthony mason: edith?

Edith: we're all affected by the economy.

// i would like to-- get a candidate and a president that will be able to-- rein in the pandemic, be able to-- help us get out of this difficult times.

And i believe that biden will be that candidate.

Anthony mason: 18:59:32 &cynthia?

Cynthia: 19:00:00 i don't like his denial of the magnitude of the pandemic.

And therefore, i could not vote for him.

Melinda: 19:00:09 i could never vote for president trump because he has proven to be unfit for the presidency.

He has lied.

He has mishandled the pandemic, anthony mason: 19:01:39 hanna?

Hanna: i feel that-- his demeanor hasn't always been something that i align with.

But i-- i do align with his policies.

// i'm not a big fan of his twitter, but i'm not voting for someone on twitter.

I'm voting for a leader for our country.

Military comments anthony mason: hanna, you're from a military family.

Hanna: 20:03:18 uh- huh .

Anthony mason: 20:03:19 president trump was reported to have said some fairly derogatory things about people who served, including calling people who died in& battle "suckers."

Wh was your response?

What was your family's response to that?

Hanna: 20:03:31 honestly, that's-- completely unacceptable.

// if it is true, then it's deeply disheartening.

// is that gonna sway my vote between these two people?


Anthony mason: 20:04:30 it's not enough?

Hanna: 20:04:33 it's not enough.

Pandemic anthony mason: 19:09:26 let's talk about the pandemic& how significant has the pandemic affected your lives?

And-- melinda: 19:09:39 significantly.

In all-- anthony mason: 19:09:40 signif-- melinda: 19:09:41 --all ways.

Anthony mason: 19:16:38 &did all of you hear the audiotape-- mary ellen: 19:16:41 yes.

Anthony mason: 19:16:42 --of the president speaking to bob woodward?

Melinda: 19:16:43 yes.

Mary ellen: 19:16:44 i would have handled it the same way.

Cynthia: 19:16:44 yes.

Mary ellen: 19:16:45 i'm not gonna panic somebody.

// you got a fire going on in the building.

Who's-- melinda: 19:17:01 i disagree.

Mary ellen: 19:17:01 --gonna stand around and cry about it?

Or who's gonna stand-- debbie: 19:17:03 i definitely disagree.

Edith: 19:17:04 disagree.

Mary ellen: 19:17:04 --there and say, "grab everybody' hand.

Follow me."

You know?

Anthony mason: 19:17:06 right.

Melinda: 19:17:07 he doesn't have a right to determine how i'm going to think about it.

He hid the truth&.he did it only for his own self-benefit, for reelection and this sort of thing.

I am angry that he did that.

He lied again.

And i don't agree with that.

Mary ellen: 19:17:23 all politicians lie.

19:17:26 anthony mason: 19:17:27 cynthia?

Cynthia: 19:18:02 &he continues, from my perspective, to undercut the scientific community.

Melinda: 19:18:07 yep.

Cynthia: 19:18:07 and i come from the scientific community-- debbie: 19:18:08 yeah.

I have a problem with that.

Cynthia: 19:18:10 --and i cannot tolerate that.

Debbie: 19:18:13 right.

Anthony mason: 19:18:14 okay.


Hanna: &while i agree that the pandemic hasn't been handled completely-- perfectly, i also know that trump has given a lot of power to the states and that the states have made their own decisions that have been-- not so great.

19:19:11 // so i think that while we really want to blame somebody-- i don't think president trump is that person.

Debbie: 19:19:47 any time you have the president of the united states telling people to inject themselves with clorox, that's a problem.

// to me, it's an embarrassment to the united states, the way he has handled this p-- pandemic.

// and i think we would not be-- have so many deaths if he had handled it differently suburban women anthony mason: 20:09:29 you are, as suburban women, among the most desired voters in the country right now.

And are you-- are you-- maryellen 20:09:37 god, that's-- wow.

I feel wonderful.

Melinda: 20:09:39 if only we had known.

Edith: 20:09:43 what do we get?

Maryellen: 20:09:43 i don't even get that kind of sweet talk from my husband!

Anthony mason: 20:09:52 so my question is-- president trump has made a direct appeal, saying that the democrats are gonna ruin your neighborhoods.

Melinda: 20:10:04 no.

Cynthia: 20:10:04 no.

Mary ellen: 20:10:05 no.

Anthony mason: 20:10:05 you don't-- melinda: 20:10:06 no.

Cynthia: 20:10:07 no.

Not at all.

Melinda: 20:10:07 no.

It's-- i don't take it as a t aeat at all // it's just trying to build up fear.

Cynthia: 20:10:55 i think it's a nonissue.

Mary ellen: 20:10:56 it's non-- not an issue.

Election integrity anthony mason: 19:36:43 are any of you worried about the integrity of this election?

Cynthia: 19:40:02 i'm more concerned about the disenfranchisemen t of voters and their votes not being counted.

// 19:40:42 so i can tell you personally, i will not be using the u.s. mail to drop off my ballot.

I'll go to a drop box edith: 19:41:02 i've been very concerned with the president-- constantly attacking the-- mail voting as being fraudulent.

// 19:41:56 there was-- news i've read that virginia started early voting and there were some right wing people that showed up and they were taunting the people in line.

Debbie: 19:46:10 well, i think if trump does not win, he's gonna call it fraud.

// he said, "well, it' probably 'cause of this mail-in voting.

Hanna: 19:44:40 there's so much polarization within people // i don't think this election is gonna be that fun to go through, but here for it.

Mary ellen: 19:23:45 i can't wait till november 4th is over so life can start to look a little normal.

You know?

I says-- can only watch so many gilmore girls and&little house on the prairie, you know, to escape, you know?

When mid morning returns, one defense attorney hopes to get young people on board.

We'll tell you why next.

When mid morning returns, one defense attorney hopes to get young people

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