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Midmorning With Aundrea - October 16, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - October 16, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - October 16, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1) Eli Lilly has placed its COVID-19 vaccine trials on hold due to safety protocols.

And a vaccine used to fight tuberculosis has also shown promise as a protective measure against COVID-19.


El eli lilly has eli lilly has announced a pause in clinical trials for a corona- virus drug.

This comes after johnson and johnson paused its global vaccine trial.

Both companies say ásafetyá is taking priority over speed.

Adriana diaz has our report.

Script: drugmaker eli lilly announced a temporary hold on its' coronavirus antibody therapy tuesday.

It's a drug similar to the one taken by president trump.

Since his return to the white house, the president has heavily promoted antibody therapies to the public.

It's totally safe.

But it's powerful against this disease.

So we're going to get it out to you.

The national institute of allergy and infectious diseases said tuesday that the eli lilly trial was halted following a recommmendation from the indepedent data and safety monitoring board, and that the trial will be on hold until october 26 at the earliest.

C-b-s news medical contributor doctor david agus says these types of pauses are routine.

This is nothing to cause great concern.

I think it should be the opposite is the public should look and say, oh, this is amazing that they're really taking every safety issue to heart and looking deeply before restarting the trial, which in almost all cases they have done.

The pauses come as the need for covid treatment grows...with a rise in new cases in 37 states.

A key driver: gatherings at places like family events.

A recent cdc report found that a 13-year old girl infected 11 people staying in the same house during a family vacation ...without masks or social distancing... leading to cases in four states.

Doctor deborah birx of the white house coronavirus task force is telling americans to be prepared to "adapt" upcomi gatherings like thanksgiving to the realities of the pandemic.

This virus can spread among families and friends, if you are, take your mask off and you're primarily indoors.

Diaz outcue: in a statement eli lilly said that this pause is out of an abundance of caution.

It's not known if sick participants were given placebos or the actual treatments.

Johnson and johnson says it's still on track to complete enrollment in their 60-thousand- person vaccine trial within the next three months.

Some of that will happen here at chicago's rush university medical center.

Adriana diaz, cbs news, chicago.

Bu but, a vaccine that's already widely used worldwide is now being tested on frontline care workers in britain for its effectiveness against covid-19.

It's part of a global study - and effort to keep healthcare workers safe this winter.

Rylee carlson explains.

Dr sam hilton hopes this shot will help him fight covid 19 this winter..

But it's not one of the experimental vaccines.

He's taking part in a global study giving healthcare workers a common vaccine for tuberculosis - called bcg.

I see it as a potential for me to be protected a bit, which means i'm more likely to be able to come to work this winter and it means i'm less likely to get ill.

There's good evidence to suggest that bcg might have important - what are called 'off target' effects// and in particular, having quite a significant effect against viruses including corona type viruses so potentially this is a really important study.

Lead uk researcher professor john campbell says studies have shown countries with high bcg vaccination rates have faired better when it comes to covid 19.

Some of the hardest hit countries like spain and brazil are also part of the trial.

10 thousand participants will be monitored, to see if it boosts immune systems. what is the best case scenario, since this isn't a covid 19 vaccine?

The great advantage that bcg may have is to buy - potentially even several years of time - effecting global economies and global healthcare systems it's already widely used - given to more than 100 million babies around the world every year.

If it does have the effectiveness against the covid virus, the current covid virus, it may also protect against a mutated covid virus, which would be incredible.

Hopefully keeping healthcare workers like dr doctor hilton healthy, and treating patients.

Rylee carlson, cbs news, london.

There's an uptick in new coronaviruses cases around the country as election day approaches.

That has many voters worried about how to safely cast their ballots.

Nancy chen shows us what doctors are recommending.

Trt 1:50 rona kantor considers it her duty to vote in person.

But with the pandemic, the florida retiree says it's too risky to wait in those long election day lines.

Even if we voted early, we know the lines would be enormous.

So for the very first time in our lives, we decided to do a mail-in ballot.

Election officials around the country are reporting a record number of requests for absentee ballots.

Nats from a coronavirus perspective, the safest way to vote is to vote by mail but because that may not be an option for everyone& dr. krutika kuppalli with the infectious diseases society of america helped develop guidelines for safe in person voting.

It's not about election day.

It's what we do in the days and the weeks prior to the election.

We need everybody to play a role in trying to help decrease the rates of community transmission.

While states have different laws, dr. kuppalli recommends voting early to avoid long lines.... wear a mask and try to maintain social distancing.


Something voters in georgia have already witnessed is difficult.

To create more space, texas election officials transformed this sports arena into an early polling site.

Even when you're voting, the machines are six feet apart.

We'll sanitize the machine after every vote.

Dr. kuppalli says polling locations need to be vigilant to keep voters healthy.

Have hand sanitizer available at entrances, exits, and every step along the way during the polling process.

And also to have disposable pencils, pens or ballot-marking devices i've never forgotten that wonderful feeling of walking out of the voting booth, going, 'yes!'//i certainly will miss that.

But i think what i'm doing is just as important right now.

Rona says we need to make sure our voices are heard ..

No matter what the circumstances.

Nancy chen, cbs news, new york.

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