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Wednesday, 17 July 2024


Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Next president of the united states of america is coming down to a few battleground states where ballots are still being counted.

Skyler henry has more details from the white house.

:06 - :11 :25 - :32 :52 - :58 1:04 - 1:10 1:21 - 1:26 the battleground states of arizona, nevada and georgia are getting closer to wrapping up their vote counts.

"the anticipation is we'll continue to go through the process today and into the evening if necessary."

The race remains too close to call in those states - with democratic nominee joe biden holding a slight lead in the western states and president trump with an edge in georgia.

If biden picks up two of those states he will be president.

Presidential nominee) "its clear that we are winning enough states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency."

Or pennsylvania could send biden to the white house.

President trump is leading in the keystone state but the majority of outstanding ballots are in democratic friendly areas.

Presidential nominee) "i feel very good about pennsylvania.

Virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted were cast by mail."

The president tweeted this morning: "stop the count!"

The president promised he would send in the lawyers and that's exactly what he's doing with the campaign filing lawsuits in multiple states.

The president dispatched his son and personal attorney rudy giuliani to philadelphia wednesday.

"we are going to continue the lawsuit here, we're going to bring a second one, then we're going to bring a federal lawsuit."

Republicans say they are planning to file a new lawsuit in nevada today...that's on top of lawuists already filed in georgia and michigan - and a demand for a recount in wisconsin.

Wisconsin) "you're talking about less than 1%, point-seven percent of the vote is the difference between the two candidates and as you just alluded to, it's about 21,000 votes."

The biden campaign says it will fight the lawsuits to make sure every vote is counted.

Skyler henry, cbs news, the white house.

The biden camp has started fundraising to help offset legal costs.

It has also set up a website to begin the transition process.

Georgia still has roughly 60 thousand ballets left to count as the state still is to close to call for a presidential winner we now go to new 12 nows brian armstrong to find out more about the current voting situation.

Georiga officials were hoping to have the results from the election by noon today, but that is obviously--- no longer the case gabriel sterling with the secretary of states office spoke a little over an hour ago about the current situation.

He emphasised speed is nice --- but now --- as it is in every race --- accuracy is the most important.

He says the vote counters are working their hardest --- to make sure everything goes as quickly as possible--- while not sacrificies accuracy.

Sterling was quick to shoot down any mention-- the votes might nbot be counted correctly.

Were here to do the job of protecting democracy, when you go tak to them they think about that they think about the votes of every person in this room and the country.

These people are not involved in voter fraud.

These people are not envolved in voter supression.

Sterling also reference flordia received more votes then georigia --- but says there is a much closer finish in georgia then in flrida--- so--- there are more votes in georiga required to be counted--- before a winner can be declared.

Chattanoogans voted to approve a charter amendment tuesday that reinforces the city's police advisory board.

The amendment was voted favorly by 77% of the more than 65,000 chattanoogans who voted.

News 12's kenan scott joins us live in studio with more details.

Kay - the nine-member police advisory board was formed in 2019 after a series of allegations of police brutality - including the filmed beating of a 37-year old man during an arrest in march 2018.

While the committee was approved unanimously by the current council, councilwoman demetrus coonrod said the amendment was necessary to ensure its existence under future mayors and councils.

Coonrod, who sponsored the amendment, said wednesday that the approval of the ordinance shows just how seriously chattanoogans take public safety reform.

The subject of police brutality and additional law enforcement oversight has become a major issue nationwide, especially after numerous protests over the summer.

An additional amendment was also passed which allows county, state, and federal government employees to run for city elected office.

Reporting live in studio, kenan scott news 12 now.

Time to check in with chip now for our first look at the weather.

Here's a live look from news 12 studios camera from atop the building on broad st., from the e-p-b fiber optics weather c day i had now yes we have more clouds than what we had in the past couple of days but we also have a fair amount of sunshine right now downtown.

We have got 65 degrees and the humidity is little bit higher seven percent.

When's our call clouds coming back from the west, but it's not going to put a damper on any outdoor activities what so ever 61 degrees right now up in decatur dunlap at 60 dunlap at 62 ellijay leading the pack at 67.

A little bit warmer than where we were.

This time on wednesday as we have through most of the next seven days.

These numbers will can send you to get even warmer clouds thickening up overnight tonight, mainly dry temperatures boy is looking now will stay up.

Abnormal both in the early morning and late afternoon until the middle parts of the bot fort payne 64 decatur at 61 air quality index barely in the goo range of 50 trace amounts of pollen and that is mainly cedar.

We'll talk more about that seve- day forecast coming up, he or within's and consent for than on day one has better counters wor around the clock, so do the counterdemonstrators and then planned our demonstration today near the white house and outline voting counting locations acros the country and brown from now in michigan.

Chance of stump account outside detroit.

The tally location without citing evidence trump supporters say they believe what the president has told them that there were major problems with voting and counting in phoenix trumps a is demanded more access to watch vote counting.

Even though observers from both parties wer inside the election center.

The procedure was live streamed sheriff's deputy in tactical gear guarded the location.

After a far right group walked in and complained ballots marked with sharpies were being tossed out election officials said sharpie pens don't disqualify balance supporters of former vice president joe biden are demonstrating to this morning doesn't circled the street surrounding the white house demanding a full count of the votes from joe biden on every vote is counted as alluded to drawing out mailing balance the ballot and i'm here today to just make it clear that i don't think that should happen in new york city police clash with streeters reporting biden and made 50 arrest.

There were also protests in las vegas, seattle and los angelesvote counting iss expected, and there have been no reports of fraud.

Debra alfarone, cbs news, washington.

Chattanooga police are looking for the person, or persons responsible for a shooting near the carriage parc apartment complex on gunbarrel road.

It happened around 12:30 pm yesterday and a 20 year old male was taken to the hospital in a private car.

He has non-life threatening injuries.

Police were told that the victim was a passenger in a vehicle and he was shot by an unidentified person in another vehicle that pulled in behind them.

The suspect vehicle fled the area prior to police arrival.

Residents of the carriage parc apartments tell news 12 that bullets from that incident hit their building but no one was hurt.

If you have information about that shooting, call chattanooga police.

Funeral arrangements have been set for the bus driver killed in the meigs county school bus crash last week.

Lisa ann dillard of birchwood was killed along with a 7 year old girl.

A celebration of life for lisa ann dillard will be held saturday, november 7th at 7:30 at burdette baptist church.

Visitation will be from 5:00 p.m.

To 7:30 p.m.

On saturday.

Companion funeral home is in charge of arrangements.

Still to come here on wdef news 12 at noon... chip says warmer temperatures in the storm team 12 seven day forecast.

And later... why twitter and facebook are flagging some of president trump's posts... details coming up after the break.... but first, let's look at today's cleveland daily banner.

The paper reports... as covid-19 active cases in bradley county drop by 21.... statewide cases rising again for more on these stories, check out today's edition.

Now from the epb weather center, your storm team 12 right now forecast twitter and facebook flagged some of president trump's posts on the election.

You you yes we do have, or clouds, as we have through the noon that we see for the past three or four days with no harm no foul.

Everything does stay dry the satellite and radar combination loop shows the story and there's not much in the way of rainfall were snowfall anywhere in the eastern two thirds of the country couple of scattered showers along coastal georgia and that's it.

And those are few and far between and very light in nature and certainly nothing with it.

Hundreds of miles of downtown chattanooga.

We are going to see partly cloudy conditions continuing in the temperatures to remain comfortable.

I think we stay dry for at least the next six days possibly a shower late late tuesday of next week looks like that is more likely to happen on wednesday and by wednesday afternoon and thursda rain is a much definite factor in the forecast.

Everyone this afternoon between 60 and 66.

Typically murphy north carolina not the warmest greeting, but that is the case in point.

Not as many clouds over him murphy sunshine has allowed you to liking things up considerably.

Your downtown 47 percent humidity 65 degrees call when 30 point 41 on the barometer earlier this morning when k and i were with you starting it.

Five o'clock chattanooga was the coolest out of all of the major travel city.

Right now we are a little bit warmer than chicago tied with rapid city.

We are looking at lower seventies in las vegas and dallas lower 80 touted by high pressures what's given us this beautiful stretch that we've seen for the past several days now.

Both of these highs are beginning to weaken the crumble, the weaker these get then that's the less protection we have against clouds forming in any sort of rating later on today.

I think many of us will be getting that 70 degrees early morning on friday mid to upper forties tomorrow afternoon.

Just about everyone throughout the area that 70 and above heading into the weekend.

Doesn't look like we'll see a great deal of chang as we get into saturday or the other than temperature is not as chilly yet again.

Most of us starting off around 50 5072 75 or so for saturday afternoon even warmer.

Both sunday and on the it does look like were going to see a little bit of rainfall some tropical activity with ada as we have through the weekend.

That's the latest in this historic tropical storm season.

We'll talk more about that tonight at six for the middle part of next week.

It does look like no later than wednesday afternoon will start see some rain popping up and when that happens on wednesday that will begin in two or three day stretch of fairly unsettled conditions with rain and maybe a brief stray store.

Believe it or not.

A distinct possibility highs today, again nearing 70 moral that seven-day forecast looks like 70 and above startin tomorrow lasting through tuesday next week it is going to be turning a little cooler for the middle part of next week and rain chances to jump up on wednesday highs only into the mid-sixties, but have a look at monday several of your friends and neighbors on monday could easily get 80 were in for a quick commercial breaks when we come back we'll talk about the latest in the world of business including president trump to twitter dad.

All of that and flagged some of president trump's posts on the election.

And a new round of corona- virus stimulus funds could come by the end of the year.... let's take a look at today's moneywatch report.... stock futures are indicating a higher open this morning following yesterday's rally in the wake of the u-s election.

The dow jumped 367 points wednesday.

The nasdaq rallied 430.

And the s and p 500 gained 74.

Both twitter and facebook flagged some of president trump's posts on the election.

The companies labeled the posts as misleading including claims of electoral fraud and a premature claim of victory.

Social media companies have been under fire over how they handle misinformation and pledged to crackdown this year.

/ a new round of corona- virus stimulus funds could come by the end of the year.

Senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is now calling for lawmakers to strike a deal as they return to work next week.

That's a shift from his recent suggestion that legislation was more likely early next year.

Talks have been stalled since the summertime, with both sides locking horns over a price tag.

There's a new college currency in town...coconuts!

As covid-19 challenges continue to impact the global economy, one school is now finding a creative way for students to cover the cost of classes.

According to multiple reports, students at venus one tourism academy, located in bali can pay for their classes using coconuts and various leaves native to the tropical island instead of cash.

And that's your cbs moneywatch report.

For more head to cbs

At the cbs broadcast center, i'm diane king hall.

Stay with us.

More news 12 now at noon to come... including one of my favorite national holidays....we are celebrating the doughnut.... details coming up after the break.... america eats 10 billion doughnuts a year.

That's about 31 doughnuts per person!

The signature hole in the middle is said to have been created to help doughnuts cook more evenly.

Another fun fact: there are actually two national doughnut days.

The other one is the first friday in june.

That day honors the salvation army lassies who served the pastry to soldiers during world war one.

Up the slack.

Just pay.

We got to the mixture clouds and sunshine.

Today we are going to see time to time a lot more cloud cover few days, but it's comparable tomorrow.

Most of the area, if not all of us will be top 70 few

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