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Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Baltimore County frontline workers, first responders receive Moderna vaccine

Credit: ABC 2 News WMAR
Duration: 01:51s 0 shares 1 views

Baltimore County frontline workers, first responders receive Moderna vaccine
Baltimore County frontline workers, first responders receive Moderna vaccine
Baltimore County frontline workers, first responders receive Moderna vaccine

RESPONDERS AND NURSING HOMERESIDENTS IN BALTIMORE COUNTYRECEIVED THE MODERNA VACCINE.HEALTH OFFICIALS ARE CALLINGIT A GAME CHANGER IN A BID TOEND THE PANDEMIC BUT AS WMAR-2NEWS' RAY STRICKLAND EXPLAINSTHE FIGHT IS STILL LONG FROMOVER.This is literally a shot inthe arm in the countyagainst covid-19 This groupamong the first to receive themoderna vaccine But as troll out continues healthofficials are warning us tonot let our guard down 18 1438“This is majo” A historicday at the Maryland statefairgrounds as Baltimorecounty administers the Modernavaccine for the first time.Baltimore county healthofficer, Dr. Gregory Branch 1814 43“I liken it to when yousee a movie and itabout a war and youpeople are dying and we donknow what to do and then youhear the calvary, and you knowthe calvary is that covid019vaccine” Baltimore Countyreceived 100 doses of thevaccine from the state in thmorning By the evening&frontline workers and firstresponders lined up to gettheir shot 18 09 33:“I feelfine” Rene Youngfellow worksat a county health center andbecame the first countyemployee to receive thevaccine.

Rene Youngfellowfirst county employee toreceive the vaccine.

18 10 11“the benefits outweigh anyfears that i had and id dintwant to pass up an opportunityto protect myself and myfamily because i am exposed alot.

Ithis pandemic” 18 15 30“Itgoing to make thing better butnot overnight” Baltimorecounty health commissioner Dr.Gregory Branch says despitethe vaccine, itfor people to continue to stayvigilant.

18 16 17“Wear yourmask.

Watch your distance andwash your hands” And thecounty says theymore vaccines from the statein the coming weeksTHE FIRST MARYLAND N

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