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Thursday, 23 January 2025

Close the gap: Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

Credit: WXXV
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Close the gap: Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign
Close the gap: Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign

It’s the final countdown as the Salvation Army that serves South Mississippi’s six southern-most counties races to close the gap.

- it's the final countdown as the- salvation army that serves- south mississippi's six - southern-most counties races- to close the gap.

- news 25's toni miles explains.- - non-profits throughout the- nation took a hit this year due- to covid, but that didn't stop- south - mississippians from manning the- front lines for those who - need help most-as seen here - - - - recently at the 8th annual wind- swetman kettlethon fundraiser - for the salvation - army in biloxi.

- windy swetman, salvation army - kettlethon fundraiser/file: - 12/18/20: "you've noticed this year you've not heard the bells- ringing as you- walk in and out of stores when- usually we'd have bellringers - there.

Certainly, the - need is greater in our- communities."

The christmas holiday is behind- us - but the season for - giving is not...and the - salvation army mississippi gulf- coast area- command, servicing the six- southernmost counties in- mississippi-is hoping to close- the gap.- major bradley caldwell, - salvation army, ms gulf coast - area command: "we had a budget goal of $335,000, and we've mad- $200,00,- so we need $135,000 to make tha- goal that helps to fund many- programs through the- - - year, social services, emergenc- disaster response, community- care, all those ways- that we help people throughout- the year need to be funded now.- through the close the gap - campaign, donations can be- made until 3 pm on december - 31st.

- major bradley caldwell, - salvation army, ms gulf coast - area command: "we still have online kettles at - they can drop a check by the- salvation army kroc center at - 575 division street in- east biloxi.

We've got a kettle- right there in the foyer.

They- can just drop it in.

They - can get a tax receipt at the- desk if they like."

All donations that go right back- - - - into the local community, as- seen here over the christmas- holidays when - cold shelters were open for - those in need.- in biloxi, toni miles, news

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