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Thursday, 30 January 2025

Local child battling COVID complication

Credit: WKTV
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Local child battling COVID complication
Local child battling COVID complication
A 4-year-old from Madison has been struggling after being diagnosed with COVID.

Madison who is battling a rare and dangerous complication of covid-19.

Now, at six, the second part of his story: falling oxygen levels....rising anxiety levels....and a long road to recovery.

Here's newschannel 2's joleen ferris.

Four-year-old kaison ford started the new year a very sick boy.

His family had recovered from covid-19, and he arrived at upstate university hospital this past saturday, with a persistent fever and stomachache.

Doctors there treated him with iv meds for kawasaki disease for 12 hours.

His inflammation markers were going down.

Finally, some good news.

But, then.... .

None .

None 8:02 "we were feeling a little bit of relief but then they cane in and they said he had some spots on his lungs after they did his xray which indicated pneumonia" 8:32 "and he was dipping pretty low with his oxygen so they had him on oxygen, which is also pretty scary" doctors at upstate had a difficult talk with the fords 10:05 "they basically told us it could go 50/50.

He could decline and we could have to go to the icu or he could make a turnaround and do better" but one more scary night...and steroids, for pneumonia.... brought them to a better place 8:44 "the first night that he had the steroids he was pretty low with oxygen and he was having a tough time and we were nervoubut thenanothe almost turnred around like miraculously" and their old son started to return, and four days after they arrived at upstate university hospital, in syracuse, the fords took their little boy home 10:20 "within 24 hours, he was up and he wanted to play anwe we playing candyland togeer and hewanted td play with his cars" kaison is home now, but still recovering 10:58 "we still have a long road ahead.

He on a lot omedicat doing well with those, so it's been a bit of a struggle.

It's been a bit erwhelming fory husbanand i" kaon ford wasneverd multi-system inflammatory syndrome-a rare complication of covid-19, which mimics kawasaki disease.

It's so new, but it is here, and it's scary, and that's why the fords want to talk about it; for other parents and their children 13:43 "we were a little skeptical; we didn't think it was as bad as it was being portrayed and i just think there's a l opeople, especially in this area who are feeling the same way and 14:55 i'm just here to say this is happening to our babies now.

This is happening to our children.

It's not's not fake.

's real and how it affects people and children is unpredictable.

Completely unpredictable".

His pediatrician told the fords at five, we told you about a little boy from madison who is battling rare a dangerous meteorologist bill complication of covid-19.

Now, at six, thsond part of hstory: n levels....risingnxiety vels....and a lg road torecoverl 2's jole ferris.

Four-year-old kaon fordstarted d recovered from cid-19, and heard decline and we cld have to to tt one more scaryight...and steroids, for eumonia....broughe 8:44 "e first night tt he hathe steroidhe was pretlow wito turn, and foudays afterthey arrn racuse, the fds took theirlittln 24 hrs, he was up a he want to play anwe were playing candylantogetheand he wand to get the floor and play withis cars" kson is homnow, but ill recoveng 10:58 "wstill havea loa lot ofedications for couple eks.

He's fr so he's ndoing wels been ait of a struge.

It's be a bit ovwhelming for husbands nevetested for covi but he d test posive for antibodies, basilly his infectimed he hadmulti-amms heca, and wanto talkboher rents :43 "we we aical; didns bad ir's not fakhow it fects peoren is prely unpredictabl.rician tolnks to kl focast.

Also toght-- coming up on newschannel 2 at battling a rare and dangerous complicioof covid-19now, at s, the secd part of hisstoryn levels....risi anxiety vels....and aong road torecoverl 2's joen ferris.

Four-year-old ison fordstarted d

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