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Friday, 31 January 2025

Political round table with Brian Crowley and Mary Anna Mancuso

Credit: WPTV News | West Palm Beach
Duration: 06:40s 0 shares 4 views

Political round table with Brian Crowley and Mary Anna Mancuso
Political round table with Brian Crowley and Mary Anna Mancuso
Political round table discussion with Brian Crowley and Mary Anna Mancuso.

News Channel five.

PoliticMancuso and Brian Crowley.both of you, Brian.

We'llheard what the two formersay.

Your take.

Well, it'sbenefit to hear from formeHouse and the, You know, tto speak out more when thefor office again.

On I agrways perilous times in ourAnd, you know, we need voiwringing necessarily goingBut how do we get beyond twe dio, they were not terrthe moment?

Well, two.

ForRooney's point.

We need peof being outraged and haveleadership and We need somand say Look, this is unachow we move forward and toto start acting and to do.vitriolic rhetoric just kinarrative and add fuel todo we have to look at thinthe appetite would be withonto the structure of ourwe have to find the appetilike proportional represenopen primaries where the tgetters go on, Although thFlorida, it's been squashea lot of people are talkinreal structural change shosaid.

We're not always apphardcore and extreme sidearch, liberal or arch consthink that it is time to tlook at our electoral systelectoral phone for reformvoting.

Look at how candidchosen and make sure thata wide array of people, anright or the far left whenpolitics, the savvy politiare, Brian being out on thyears.

How likely is any oGiven current party structnatural tendency to hold omaybe the best way to do iwas introduced to the statvoters before wasn't quitesystem was more complicateI think in open primary syto bring back the run off.leaders we got in this starunoff system, and you knoBut I'm also gonna flip itwe complain about you knoware in office, who are extbut they don't appoint theYou know it's time for votthe kind of people they waThey want to send to Washithe who they want to sendin their city councils.

Uhthat are just gonna be harwant people who wanna, youfamily and talk and comproThey disagree about to getknow what we have today ispicked both for local leadas we pivot a bit cove inresponse will be so cruciaand we're already lookingrace.

Senate races as wellfrom NBC that Governor Rhohis appeal.

He went to Miabeing given to members offought in the Bay of Pigschance to speak out againspeople getting shots withAs you look at the grades,on this and what was alsoby governors to kind of gemore cohesive way Where isnow and talk about how pivZvi o Tres now and on intoat that when they vote.

Brthe Bay of Pigs was intereof those people in their eeligibility problem.

I measat there in Palm Beach Cogo through publics, and I'early morning trying tryinUh, S O, I think in many wdoing the best he can.

I tproblems, arm or messagingactions he takes.

Hey tendhis petulant, and he doesnabout how things are gettibottom line for everybodyis this Did I get my shot?was somebody who joking ththey never they're in theinever dreamed of the day wa fake I d saying they werMarianne and many have argincluding governor to stanat with what's going on inin a patchwork of it.

Butand as any politician likelocal leaders, look at howwe are right now, I wouldBrian.

I think that only wDe Santis on and the rollovaccine.

But they're alsoon how he handled the pandunemployment numbers and twaiting for unemployment bto get unemployment benefialways be a player, and itmore highlighted as we looof the pandemic and becausbeen happening.

We heard olast week from Biden talkidomestic travel restrictioSanta's thinks that's blasreality is that Florida tofor us.

It drives our econto come to the Sunshine Stmost opportune time?

Probaare things that voters theconsideration when they'reIf they're still social dimasks.

All right, Brian, wclosing comments in a momeleft for what's top of minhearing a lot about.

Thenbreak and be back.

Well, Iabout the economy.

PeopleI have a sister who worksand has for many years.

Yois doing fairly well, but,a big problem.

And Marianais gonna be a big, big parof course, intertwined witwe come through that as al

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