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Friday, 31 January 2025

Warning signs of a heart attack

Credit: KJRH | Tulsa | Channel 2
Duration: 02:09s 0 shares 3 views

Warning signs of a heart attack
Warning signs of a heart attack
Warning signs of a heart attack

GIVING ONE MAN THE GIFT OFWALKING AGAIN..WE'LL TELL YOU HOW -- NEXT."Tonight's Health News 2 Use...brought to you by Tulsa ER &Hospital.IN THIS TIME OF COVID... SOMEPEOPLE ARE PUTTING OFF MEDICALTREATMENT.IN TONIGHT'S HEALTH NEWS 2USE... DOCTORS WARN THAT WAITINGTO SEEK HELP COULD PUT YOURHEALTH AT RISK... ESPECIALLY IFIT'S YOUR HEART."Patients are concerned thattheir chest pain just mightrepresent COVID so they mightwant to put it off for a coupledays, you know, maybe you wantedto see if they develop a feveror cough.

When, in reality, thatchest pain is actually, youknow, heart attack."DOCTOR MARK BLUBAUGH - MEDICALDIRECTOR AT TULSA E-R ANDHOSPITAL WARNS... HEART ATTACKIS SERIOUS.

MINUTES COUNT...WHEN BLOOD FLOW IS SHUT OFF TOTHE HEART."The sooner you can get thatartery open back up by acardiologist like with a stentor with angioplasty, the betterthe survivability of that heartmuscle is, the less you knowheart damage is done.

Andtherefore the less long-termeffects that you'll have."WHILE CHEST PAIN - OR TIGHTNESS- IS COMMON SYMPTOM...PATIENTS MAY ALSO FEEL SHORT OFBREATH..NAUSEA..DIARRHEACOLD SWEATOR FATIGUE.WOMEN MAY BE DIFFERENT."They have other symptoms likemaybe just generalized fatigueor nauseous or maybe an upsetstomach.

Diabetics or anothergroup that don't have thetypical presenting symptoms aswell."HERE'S SOMETHING ELSE PATIENTSMENTION IN THE E-R."A lot of the time people comein they complain of jaw pain ortooth tooth pain and they thinkthey might be having, you know,a tooth abscess or a toothinfection.

But if they're a highrisk candidate, one of thethings that should be screenedfor is always for heart attack."CORONAVIRUS POSES YET ANOTHERRISK.IT'S CAN CAUSE BLOOD CLOTS -LEADING TO STROKE OR HEARTATTACK... EVEN IN PATIENTSWHO'VE NEVER BEEN AT RISK FORHEART DISEASE."Even if you don't have riskfactors but you've had a recentdiagnosis of COVID, and you'rehaving those symptoms of chestpain or shortness of pain orshortness of breath, I woulddefinitely recommend getting tothe closest emergency room to beevaluated."HEART DISEASE IS THE LEADINGCAUSE OF DEATH FOR ALLAMERICANS...SO DOCTORS SAY WE REALLY NEEDTO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY

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