The latest from News 5 Cleveland
Saturday weather and top stories
Today's top stories aweather from News five spoHospital.
Now here's a loostories.
Hello, everybody.Northeast Ohioans in the eare mourning the loss of Msinger, songwriter and radyesterday at the age of 72battle with lung cancer.
Hthe local radio station.
Whave not yet been announcefamily of 33 year old Melisearching for clues in hermother of four disappearedgoing to the Mansfield homJohn Henry Mack Jr He wasand arrested on Thursday.girlfriend were arrested ywith obstruction of justicno sign of Melinda.
So todout searching and they'replease help.
We need themneed her everyone, every rtrail, every body of waterpeople.
We need so many pethe more that will help usand grateful our family wineed answers.
Melinda's sifor anyone with informatioInvestigators are still se2013 black Volkswagen Jetthear anything, you are askRichland County Sheriff'slet's get a check now on tHey, Tracy, We are lookingquiet weather expected forwill be quite cold to throExtra layer down to 21 inout a few flurries developI don't think we're goingaccumulation from that, bebe light and they should ma stray flake or two for Slots of sunshine again toand temperatures climbingSo below average for thisNormally, we have highs inwe are going to put an endfor a while.
How about 56Likely for Tuesday and Wedneed the rain gear startinThursday, looking wet andand then cooling off againmore rain highs in the for