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Friday, 31 January 2025

How to slay your Honda Classic

Credit: WPTV News | West Palm Beach
Duration: 03:39s 0 shares 3 views

How to slay your Honda Classic
How to slay your Honda Classic

The Honda Classic continues this weekend at PGA National.


Walker is there with Five fun things to do this weekend at the Honda Classic.

Here's all the information you need to make the best out of your Honda Classic experience.

Yeah, the Honda Classic isand Sunday, but if you'refree.

First, let's go overstands.

You can take advanrequired by Corona Premierto the public and featuresdegree views of five key hnine.

There's a giant golffor taking social media phthe Nicholas NeighborhoodThe venue includes complimlounges, coverage, seatingan upscale public hospitalPremium Teaching Your chamto the public.

That loungeoutdoor garden providing aand sip as players tee offHager State Farm public ag16.

It's a perfect spot toof the bear trap.

Ticketstrap are sold out, but thehunter classic golf ball owhere you can snap some piAnd Sunday is where YellowHonda Classic.

It all starmade friends with a sick cwhen Jack had won a tournaand Craig says Jack, You ktournament?

Jack said, Whaabout?

Because I had my yeon.

So Jack decided afterand wear a lucky shirt forlucky yellow shirt for himit.

But for several years,a yellow shirt on Sunday,continued until the childBut then, one year in memowore that shirt.

In 1986 hso make sure you wear yourto support their philanthrLilly Pulitzer is supportiwith a 35,000 donation andClassic line.

The prince cor at all three stores inincluding the Gardens Mallthe sales go to the NicholFoundation.

Now Barbara Niof those prints for her huwhat he thought Wife jackethat.

I mean, you got youhere in our foundation loglittle flowers and reallythat.

I think it's a maybebeen very good at helpingSeveral of the restaurantswill be airing our broadcaThe Cooper has Honda Classcan get the recipes on ouryou drop by after a hot daI mean an ice cold.

Peroniwon't hurt things and salumusic each day.

Now the Hofans to keep their distancwe're asking patrons to toWe're asking no autographsfist bumps.

Um, you know wthose front row views.

Youas they do what they do bepandemic has forced the Hosome big changes.

We we rethe entire golf course.

Umfinally get to tournamentthe event week and have soworld of putting out firesthe final final stages.

Uhmore excited.

And like I sis sold out.

But the pros,forward to the energy theybeen screaming for for, umto feel that energy, and tfeel it on 17.

And of courthis year's hot to classicgo, there's no tickets oron site.

You have to do thmade you a checklist of evto know.

It's at wptv dot

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