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Friday, 31 January 2025

Local Historian Linda Moss Mines introduces her new book on the Heroes of the Medal of Honor Museum

Credit: WDEF CBS Chattanooga, TN
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Local Historian Linda Moss Mines introduces her new book on the Heroes of the Medal of Honor Museum
Local Historian Linda Moss Mines introduces her new book on the Heroes of the Medal of Honor Museum

Local Historian Linda Moss Mines introduces her new book on the Heroes of the Medal of Honor Museum

Dear show focusing bringing you smart shop community events strength job.

Have you ever met that one person that seemingly does everything retired from gps.

After 45 years teaching vice president of the malabar museum, the official historian for the city of chattanooga and for him county chairman of the word at erlanger hospital and the secretary for the chattanooga area veterans council and more wrapped up in one person.

We have that one person right here it is linda lost mines.

First of all in the morning, good morning.

Thank you for with all of your spare time that i say that very facetiously.

Thank you for sharing your answer with us now you stay incredibly busy in a while back you decided to take on a new project, writing a plot in this book is called the makings of a hero.

It was the outline about this book.

Well, you know, one of the things tha i realized in teaching is that capt.

America he's my favorite superhero i'm batman and superman to write young people need true american hero and the making.

The hero is based on th six characteristics that we kno that all metal virus being have exhibited which are courage, commitment, citizenship, sacrifice, integrity, atrios is and why i decided to do was to write a children's book in whic we take for each of those characteristics.

An example from a medal of honor recipient who has a tiny tennessee and i was i say several of these have ties to tennessee and one in particular has a tight right here in chattanooga certainly dies.

In fact, you have the reality is all of them are displayed in the middle of our heritage and are here in chattanooga but desmond also lived up on the lookout for an years of his adult life after the war may very well her was in the medal of honor for her actions.

Here is a battlefield surgeon during the american war.

I mean you look at all of them and and their stories i think was important for young people to realize is they the characteristics that they exhibited in combat are the exact same characteristics that allows my granddaughter who six if she sees a friend being bullied to have the moral courage to say that not so you wrote this book geared towards children but i think somewhere in the back of your mind knew that us older kids can also great deal and i think suck is you i think i'm a believer in lifelong education.

We always lauren and i think is how many of us today.

We hear the name o alvin c york and those of us in him or maybe a little older ove feet.

He may remember that he was the most highly decorated soldier of world war i fountain essay from up on the plant hele fentress county people may not know who he was and why he did and i want to tell his story because he came back to tennessee.

They were after him to make a movie.

Eventually the maybe sgt.

York was made starring gary cooper right, but he does, he would not agree to for years and he only agreed on one condition that the that the would that warner bros.

Jack warner would build a high schoo on the plateau because they was no school for children up there so york institute came into being.

He never took a any from the navy.

He did say i can lock it gary cooper with care.

I have actually had the pleasure to speak at that school and number of years.

Why save a life.

Charles coolidge was pops in your mind.

I told her which is our list living medal of honor recipient world war ii that i look at charles coolidge and knew him.

My husband and his unveil estimates i've now missed coolidge he's this kind and gentle, humble man, and then you read his story and you think there is.

That's dark inside of each person, and he says it was for his men.

Most of them were replacements.

They were young.

He was the old man in his early 20s and when they encounter german forces tanks coming forward.

The germans ordered them to surrender, and his response was betty.

You'll have to come get me took a tank took two tanks on and german forces.

As you are discussing on the phone the other day of had the honor and privilege of interviewing mr. coolidge times over the years is a guy discusses aro about i can't put it any other way.

He has an aur about them.

He is closing a 100 years and years used to be in the same room with him.

You can feel the vibrations.

It is unlike anything i've ever i do believe that there are those people that are where they were at a time and a purpose that is beyond our comprehension makes them so amazing as you look at all the recipients in the book survive their combat.

Except for right.

It comes from what will tennessee who stories amazing that they come back here they put on their civilian close and set about making the communitie in the nation.

I live in better once again into a person.

They go brag about what the good the just did it and got back to living the lives of linda i want you to come back over the comin weeks, and we've got a lot to talk about tell us where we can get a cop of this book, you can purchase a copy of it here locally and they charles h coolidge national malabar heritage center and a gift stor you can also order it from all the outlines suppliers amazon, barnes & noble's local independent bookstores please local independent was always in a cranky you and i will be talking over the coming weeks about the upcoming armed forces day parade in you and i will be

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