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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Nursing Honor or Hoax?

Credit: WCPO Cincinnati
Duration: 01:25s 0 shares 2 views

Nursing Honor or Hoax?
Nursing Honor or Hoax?

An ICU nurse who treats COVID patients is honored as one of America's Top Nurses...but it is really an award or a hoax?

Anderson North is a frontlcontacted us after receivito be an award.

Can I chechad It was from America'stop model.

The group saidopportunity reserved for anurses.

Anderson felt speccalling and just to be appget that just little thinkyear for Anderson and nurswith Covid patients everyto be honored for her workdetails.

They asked for aget your credit card.

InfoTop Nurses part of the IntAssociation, a trade groupmore than 80 complaints atBureau, Complaints say theNursing Award turned out tcharge ranging from 400 toin an online book.

It's nothe well respected AmericaWe called and emailed thebased group, but no one goas nurses do to help othersay it's not much of an aw

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