Feeding the hungry in Rochester
U.S. Sen. Smith discusses Covid relief funding in Rochester
U.S. Sen. Tina Smith visited the RCTC Heintz Center's Community Health Service Clinic to see how federal COVID relief funds are..
Feeding the hungry in Rochester
I'm amy fleming./// the channel one regional food bank in rochester says it's better off now than before the pandemic..
The surprising statement was made as u?
"*s senator tina smith spent time learning how federal covid relief funds are continuing to impact the facility.
Kimt news three was the only?
"( station during the tour to ask questions..
And defend your right to know.
Kimt news three's jessica bringe joins us live from rochester with the positive changes federal funds have helped implement, locally.
Amy ?
"* many people have been left without work during the pandemic and as a result food insecurity became a big concern in rochester..
But families left with empty refrigerators were able to turn to the channel one food bank for help.
During a tour of the food bank executive director virginia merritt says because of cares act funding the facility is open better than before.
The funds helped the facility buy food and distribute it mobiley as well as increase infrastructur e that will last into the future.
I was able to ask the senator what it's like to see the impact the federal funds are having on communities like rochester..
As well as to ask merritt how far they've come since the pandemic began.
Here are their this time last year we were worried.
We were projecting a 200,000 deficit per month to serve our 14 counties and the funding thorough the state of minnesota and the cares act, and of course the support of the community, it rescued us.
<to know that we were able, in congress, to provide the resources to that incredible local organizations like channel one can do the work to help support families means everything to me.
The food bank is now offering families to shop at its food shelf once a week instead of once a month... to get the resources they need to fill their fridge with the fresh ingredients they need.
Live in rochester thank you jessica.
Channel one says the federal care act funding is spent but the facility's new infrastructur e remains in place.
U.S. Sen. Tina Smith visited the RCTC Heintz Center's Community Health Service Clinic to see how federal COVID relief funds are..
It's been a busy day for US Senator Tina Smith as she's been listening to how federal covid relief funds are still assisting..