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Friday, 31 January 2025

Bikes stolen from west Tulsa elementary school students

Credit: KJRH | Tulsa | Channel 2
Duration: 02:20s 0 shares 1 views

Bikes stolen from west Tulsa elementary school students
Bikes stolen from west Tulsa elementary school students
Bikes stolen from west Tulsa elementary school students

MIKE, BRANDON, CLINT AND ANNESHARE INFORMATION ON HOW TO STAYSAFE DURING SEVERE WEATHER.STUDENTS AT A WEST TULSAELEMENTARY SCHOOL - ROBBED OFTHEIR FAVORITE AFTER SCHOOLACTIVITY.BIKE CLUB... JUST RETURNEDFOR THE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR -BUT KIDS AT EUGENE FIELD HAVENOTHING TO RIDE... AFTERSOMEONE BROKE INTO THE CYCLESHED OVER NIGHT.2 WORKS FOR YOU'S MASONMAURO... SHOWS US HOW THE CLUBIS RALLYING TO GET BACK ON THETRAILS.(SOT Rico Harris / Eugene FieldElementary Teacher)21:54:08;19 "To have someonecome and steal bikes fromstudents who are the future ofWest Tulsa, of Eugune Field,it's very disappointing."21:54:18;18EUGENE FIELD ELEMENTARY TEACHERRICO HARRIS - UNLOCKED THE BIKESHED FOR HIS 5TH GRADE CYCLERSTHIS MORNINGONLY TO FIND EMPTYBIKE RACKS.SURVEILLANCE VIDEO AT THE SCHOOLSHOWS AT LEAST ONE THIEF TAKEOFF WITH SEVERAL BIKES FROM THESHED - OVER NIGHT.(SOT Lance Miller / Bike ClubTulsa Program Manager)21:50:19;03 "These are bikeshere specifically for kids toride." 21:50:22;26LANCE MILLER IS A THE BIKE CLUBTULSA PROGRAM MANAGER FOR EUGENEFIELD.THE AFTER-SCHOOL CYCLING PROGRAMPARTNERS WITH TWENTY-TWO TULSAPUBLIC SCHOOLS TO TEACH ABOUT 4-HUNDRED STUDENTS TO MASTER THETWO-WHEELER.(SOT Miller)21:47:07;21 "Just the verybasics all the way up tostudents doing hour-longadventure rides or destinationrides toward the end of theyear." 21:47:16;51BUT THANKS TO THE PANDEMIC -ELEVEN EUGENE FIELD PEDALERSJUST GOT BACK ON THE SADDLE FORTHE FIRST TIME IN A YEAR.NOW - ANOTHER BUMP IN THE ROAD -THE KIDS WONDER IF THEY'LLRETURN TO THE TRAILS BEFORE THESEASON'S END.(STANDUP Mason Mauro / 2 Worksfor You)22:01:53;31 "As you can see, theshed has already been repaired,but Miller tells me from somepictures he saw this morning, itappears to him the thievespunched a hole in the side ofthe shed here to get a good lookat what was inside beforechoosing to take out these threeboards along the edge of theshed and stealing over 20 bikesinside from the students andstaff." 22:02:13;12(SOT Rico Harris)21:53:14;40 "The kids aredisappointed." 21:53:15;40TEN OF THE ELEVEN BIKE CLUBPARTICIPANTS AT EUGENE FIELD AREIN HARRIS'S MATH AND SCIENCECLASSES.HE SAYS THE BIKERS ARE ARESILIENT BUNCH - AND IN ASCHOOL YEAR CURSED BYCORONAVIRUS - HE'S SURE HISSTUDENTS WILL PERSEVERE ONCEAGAIN.(SOT Harris)21:55:40;21 "I know that thesekids will come together andsupport each other as they doevery day in Bike Club."21:55:44;20MASON MAURO - 2 WORKS FOR YOU.MILLER SAYS HE'S HOPEFULTHEY'LL HAVE ENOUGH BIKES FORTHE GROUP TO RIDE NEXT WEEK.ON OUR WEBSITE..


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