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Thursday, 30 January 2025

Rain fades away tonight

Credit: WYFF
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Rain fades away tonight
Rain fades away tonight
Cedric Haynes has an update on rain the Upstate

Happy sunday.

Everyone has to take alook at live super Doppler for HD as weapproach the late afternoon hours, youcan see we still have some tropicaldownpours out there, but notice thewidespread, heavier rainfall nowshifting off towards the east.

Let meshow you what we're seeing some ofthose downpours.

Now as we approach thefive o'clock hour, you can see fromboiling springs over towards Lineman,seeing some heavy downpours, this isactually drifting back towards the west,so a little backwards, but that'sbecause we're on the backside now, ofthat center of circulation from what istropical depression Claudette.

Now, youcan see down towards the south over themetro area.

We've got more downpoursbetween Simpsonville and Greenville,right along to 76 so obviouslytraveling along match or seeing thatrain coming down at a pretty good paceand a few more downpours now fromAnderson over towards due West,Abbeville County over towards Greenwoodas well, And we'll see periodicallysome of these scattered showersthroughout the rest of the afternoonhours.

Again, the center of circulationthere, with claudette now making itsway across the southern portions of theupstate at this time.

And you can seethe widespread, heavier rain and thethunderstorms and all that activity hasshifted well off to our east east of 77now and so we're just on the backside,getting some of these scattered showersthat will continue through the eveninghours.

But eventually, as that systemmoves off to our south and east, we'llget more drier air in here.

So tonight,we're looking at these temperatures inthe seventies center 80 late thisafternoon and this evening for any uhFinal Father's Day plans, you may havefor the Dads out there this evening.Again, it is going to be overall dryer.So if you do have something outside, alittle better chance of getting that inthis evening.

Just a few scatteredshowers around as we showed you on theradar there, Otherwise mild and muggyconditions, some patchy dense fogdeveloping here as we go towards latetonight.

That will be the primaryconcern then.

Now feature radar andcloud strongest here again.

As we gothroughout your monday, we could have acouple of pop up isolated showers but amuch drier day which means it's gonnabe a hotter day and also more humid aswell.

We're back near 90 with thathumidity so it's gonna feel awfully uhsticky if not downright oppressive outthere to go throughout your mondayafternoon.

But here comes the coldfront our next front arrives.

It'sgoing to your Tuesday scattered showersand storms will increase across thearea from northwest to southeast.

Couldsee another good dozing of rainfall aswe get into your Tuesday with thisfront as it moves through right now.

Ithink most of any severe weather willstay mainly charge south and east, butwe'll watch a few of these storms asthey kind of try to bubble up as theymoved through the area in the afternoonhours.

Either way you slice it is animpact day for your Tuesday with thatscattered showers and storm activitybuilding back in with that next front.The main timeframe for those showersand storms for most of us, especiallyin the upstate will be between about 10a.m.

And five p.m.

Where we could see.So 1 to 2 inches of rainfall.

Now let'slook at the muggy media because ifyou're tired of all the humidity andthe heat well don't worry because thattropical feel we have out there now isgoing away.

We've got anotherrefreshing cold front that's gonna movein by the middle of the week.

Almost acarbon copy of last week, right withthat high pressure building in bringingus much less humid air across the areaand also some cooler temperatures.

Sokind of fine tuning the latest numbersfor you on that.

And I have the latestlook at your midweek forecast alongwith win.

Another warm front will tryto work back into the area coming up uhtonight on WBFF News four at 11 o'clock,but until then try to stay dry, try tododge some of those tropical downpours.But the good news, the widespread rain,the flooding threat, the severe weatherthreat, all shifting off to our east.We'll have another update for youtonight at 11.

Have a great rest ofyour father's Day.

Evening, everyone

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