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Sunday, 1 September 2024

Hope Not Handcuffs has police officers steering drug users toward treatment rather than jail

Credit: FOX 47 News Michigan
Duration: 05:55s 0 shares 3 views

Hope Not Handcuffs has police officers steering drug users toward treatment rather than jail
Hope Not Handcuffs has police officers steering drug users toward treatment rather than jail

In the 1970s, Richard Nixoon drugs in the United Staenemy.

# one in the UnitedThe U.


Crackdown on druprison sentences for drugaggressive imprisonment drdown.

It went up.

So a prois changing the relationshand drug users.

It's havindoesn't have a direct famiclose to a direct family mdealt with this issue.

Ourit's been, he died in 2011was a fentaNYL overdose.

Pson was 25 when he passedthe tail.

I kill people albetter looking than I was.I was but met the wrong pethe wrong drug ultimatelywas addicted to heroin.

Toof Families against narcotprogram is largely made upsimilar experiences with dClinton township judge linexecutive director.

She spover drug court cases andstruggle with opioid addiccheerleading injury.

If yofor three days, 30 days, tyears, most of them withinof time will relax and goand giving them the help tbillions of dollars we wasStates on incarceration ofill from a disease is a waAnd if we put those resourwith addiction and get peoneed treatment over incarca learned experience of thpartially because of theircreated.

A program that caallows people addicted todirect help from a source.avoid police officers.

Wethe police departments anda year to get everybody onit in 2017 with 23 policesince that time, we have pinto treatment.


So thby providing a safe locaticome and ask for help.

Soa substance abuse disorderwalk into any police deparLansing area, in income clanytime 24 hours a day andcan be wide ranging anythito be that they're strugglnot be arrested, they willwith dignity and respect pare part of hope, not handemblem on their door, justmeans that victims can comstation and an angel willabout 600 of them across Mmeet with you that very dapolice station and they'llyou for an entire year.

Wea year for the brain to heSo you need to have a progto monitor them for up todo that, you see amazing rpeople are getting marriedand going back to college.includes a free two weekshelp setting up a victim'speer coaching for the victopportunities for future eangel who will be there foto call.

Our system is sohave substance use disordeany other disease cancer,go to your doctor and thisto all the people that canmuch are left to navigateown.

And that's where hopicome in.

We are that warmto stay the course with yoyou are successful in yourindividuals who may not beprogram are those with felwarrants out for their rusis a danger to others.

Butwith warrants for lesser oable to get treatment Befoin front of a judge.

Now,out of jail free card.

Ifeventually, we will deal wbut it will be way after yAnd to be honest with you,the court system, they wouan individual step in fronnow been through detox andused a substance for 90 datheir wits and their mindable to have a conversatiolife is going to go Michigan and 42 in Newsay they hope to one day saddiction can feel criminamore we can facilitate getthat they need means lesspeople in jail and a betteterm recovery.

And we knowreality, which is why we'rthere are more police depalike to be a part of hope,stopping them from expandiSo if you would like to lelike to donate.

I put the

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