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Friday, 31 January 2025

Michigan COVID care will get more expensive

Credit: FOX 47 News Michigan
Duration: 03:55s 0 shares 4 views

Michigan COVID care will get more expensive
Michigan COVID care will get more expensive

The cost of COVID care in Michigan is about to go up as health insurance companies reinstate deductibles and copays that have been suspended since the beginning of the pandemic.

To go up in michigan as inreinstate copays and deducsuspended since the beginnin 2020 more finding is thof people or a majority ofhad to pay out of pocket dBecause insurers and emplowaiving out of pocket costtreatment.

That's critica,Kaiser Family Foundation wthe effects of the affordainsurers and enrollees, shvaccines are readily availare out there for Covid 19suspended copays and deducand will be able at no coswidely available, insurersout the cost sharing waivewill feel this change a liinsurers in our state tookresponsibility according tof Insurance and Financialthe pandemic.

This was ablfrom the vast majority oftesting and treatment arego a step beyond and waveso that michiganders wouldabout how they would pay fintensive covid 19 care isThere's around the clock cand treatment for complicathings.

But with vaccinatiintensive care can be avoitells me that preventablein june and july of this yU.


Healthcare system moThis is coach first began.cross blue shield of michia billion and a half dollatreatment alone.

In just talliance plan has spent we$90 million on covid relatthe copay and deductible wmichiganders a lot of monehealth plans.

But insurancthat it's time we start trother health issues.


Like you know wheyour primary care doctor ohave surgery, we off copayand Covid just being brougumbrellas, all other diseaI talked with say now is twaivers even as the stateof covid 19 driven by thetells me vaccination reallof pricey medical care becserious illness.

In fact,of a fully vaccinated perscare Is about one in 20,00bloom.

Tell me at the begiIt was important to waivebecause it was unclear whawith.

We did the waiver inbecause there was so muchdidn't really know what toreally know what the illnedo things like COVID-19 tewell as copays and deductiNow that coverage will chaand care related to diagnostill covered without koshthat we're not, we're contCovid treatment basicallynow that we have vaccineshave all these other therajust reinstating a sort ofpretty much like any othergets.

Many michigan insurecross blue shield of michialliance plan will end theend of september.

They encto get vaccinated reportinI'm your neighborhood repo

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