Jesus will take only His bride and leave the lukewarm left behind
Jesus will take only His bride and leave the lukewarm left behind

Jesus will just show up and grab His bride!!

It will happen so very fast and in a blink of an eye, thousands of true believers who followed Jesus will just be gone all over the world, all the babies and toddlers will be gone, you are at a church and true believers are just gone and the rest of the church crowd is left behind, you are driving when you're kids are just gone and you are left behind, it will happen so very fast and those left behind will be angry, they will demand the lukewarm phony pastors where are our loved ones where are they!!

Why did you not tell us Jesus was coming we are left behind because of you!!

It will happen so very fast and it will happen, games are over!!

The trumpet will sound and thousands of people who were True believers will just be gone in a blink of an eye