Blessed are those who are ready for Jesus and woe unto the lukewarm phony church crowd
Blessed are those who are ready for Jesus and woe unto the lukewarm phony church crowd

True believers will be gone before the 7 year tribulation begins, Jesus will come at any second and grab His bride not the phony lukewarm church crowd and pastors, they are not ready for Jesus at all or dressed for a wedding, they are wearing worldly trash clothes and not ready at all so they will be left behind!

Jesus doesn't know them at all and He will not take anyone not dressed and ready for Him, like the 5 wise bridesmaids they were full of oil and dressed for a wedding the foolish bridesmaids were not ready at all and had no oil, so they went to get oil and the bridegroom came back and the 5 wise bridesmaids entered and the door was shut, but the 5 foolish bridesmaids knocked on the door and the owner said who are you I do not know you at all, that is how it is with Jesus, if He doesn't know you then you will not be taken at all, for many are called but few are chosen, Jesus is coming at any second and thousands of people will just be gone!!

It will happen if you like it or not,