#57: WE'RE BACK!! 1st Vodcast/Is Matt Groening a Time Traveler?| Til Death Podcast | 8.18.2020
#57: WE'RE BACK!! 1st Vodcast/Is Matt Groening a Time Traveler?| Til Death Podcast | 8.18.2020

It’s our first video podcast episode!!

With Ian taking some time away from work, focusing on more YouTube content, and taking care of our dog Gonzo, it’s been a hectic passed couple of weeks.

We also had a COVID-19 issue, Ian ended up getting the ‘Rona.

But the lucky little brat Jenn didn’t get it.

This week, we discuss these topics as well as our Downtown Disney trip, riots in the streets, and how we believe that Matt Groening (creator of the Simpsons) is a time traveler.

Also, we had some technical difficulties this week so unfortunately we could only put out half of the episode we had recorded.

With it being our first video podcast, it was bound to happen.