The Morning Knight LIVE! No. 1198- BLACK WOMAN GAY Out at Harvard
The Morning Knight LIVE! No. 1198- BLACK WOMAN GAY Out at Harvard

If you read the news today concerning the resignation of the President at the most prestigious university in the United States, you would think this poor, overburdened woman just made a minor mistake like a misplaced comma or forgot to run a spell check.

No, it’s those damn conservatives who have pounced, using their new dastardly too- the weaponization of plagiarism to force the hand of this now evil university to oust a BLACK WOMAN.

Oh, did I mention that Gay is a BLACK WOMAN, albeit not a GAY BLACK WOMAN, although using GAY also conjures up some sympathy points as well as probably some reason for the ire from the right.

In the end, it’s a bunch of white progressives at Harvard that have had enough of getting the receipts thrown in their faces and have asked for and received the resignation of BLACK WOMAN GAY.


There might be other news too.

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