System Shock LiveScream Round 3 - Mind Games
System Shock LiveScream Round 3 - Mind Games

Your Control Freak, Inkarnate returns to Citadel Station.

On the last playthrough of #SystemShock I managed to take out all of Shodan's spy cameras and gained access to the elevator.

No time to celebrate VIP status in the penthouse suite.

The rogue AI has sent every manner of mechanical monster at me ordering more drone strikes than the White House.

But if Shodan thinks she's in the driver's seat, let's just say after the last weapon I've picked up, I'm riding shotgun.

Join me once again as I work my way through these treacherous hallways, I've got panels to hack, mutants to mow down, and secrets to unravel.

There isn't a man alive that can help me and the only other heartbeats I've come across barely register as human after what this omnipresent machine has done to them.

All the same, I soldier on.

If Shodan has classified me as an Insect to stomp out, I'm resolved to play the bug in her system that she can't swat.