Episode 148: Headmaster's Homeroom w/Guest: Artist; Cheri C. (Igmu Sapa)
Episode 148: Headmaster's Homeroom w/Guest: Artist; Cheri C. (Igmu Sapa)

Cheri, aka South O Cheri, aka Igmu Sapa, aka Maligator MaGroin (take your pick of those), has lived in Omaha, Nebraska her entire life.

Art has always been a focus in her life since the day, at around age three, she was caught coloring on a white wall with a white crayon, which she wrongly believed wouldn’t be noticed.

From the age of ten, Cheri could count on her father getting her a camera every year for her birthday.

Over the years Cheri has accumulated many cameras, she still has her 1976 Minolta XG-1 stashed away, but prefers the camera on her phone, it takes great photos without lugging around all the equipment.