Embossed Embroidery Patent Attorney Breakdown | @UncivilLaw
Embossed Embroidery Patent Attorney Breakdown | @UncivilLaw

There's a lot of buzz surrounding a certain "Three-dimensional applique effect" utility patent holder who has been reaching out to YouTube content creators in the embroidery community, demanding they take down content they believe is infringing on their patent.

These events appear to be sparked by a recent trend to demonstrate & teach others the 3D Puff Embossed Embroidery technique.

While there's endless speculation and armchair legal analysis floating around, I only felt comfortable really diving into this topic if I could get a patent attorney on board - which we now have.

Much thanks to Kurt @UncivilLaw 🤠 for breaking down the patent in question and offering his professional insight, as well as explaining the innerworkings of the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

This discussion was very eye opening for me, and I hope it can offer some clarity into this situation.

We also talk about whether patent protection can extend into digital content, such as YouTube videos.