Israel shoots down missile heading to it in 1st Houthi attack since Yemen port strike
Israel shoots down missile heading to it in 1st Houthi attack since Yemen port strike

The Israeli military said it intercepted a missile fired from Yemen early Sunday, hours after Israeli warplanes struck several Houthi targets in the Arabian peninsula country.

The Israeli airstrikes in response to a deadly Houthi drone strike on Tel Aviv were the first time Israel is known to have responded to repeated Houthi attacks throughout its nine-month war against Hamas.

The burst of violence between the distant enemies has threatened to open a new front as Israel battles a series of Iranian proxies across the region.

#Yemen #Houthis #YemenHitsBack #HouthisHitBack #YemenHouthisIsraelAttack #IsraeliTargets #Eilat #BallisticMissiles #MissileStrike #RedSea #IsraeliDefense #Arrow3 #YemeniAttack #RegionalTensions #MissileInterception #SecurityAlert #MiddleEastConflict #SirensActivated ~ED.346~ED.194~HT.334~