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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 1)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 1)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 1)

(Part 1 of 2) Cloth masks have now become commonplace in the age of COVID-19, but new research suggests more than one layer of cloth may be more effective than just one.

And many restaurants are allowing robots to do the jobs once assigned to humans.

And we visit a Minnesota couple who built the treehouse of their dreams!

The post told me acl cloth face coverings are recommended in public, especia when social anci ct maintained.

Many of us are even making homemade masks to try to protect others around us from the coronavirus.

Now new research suggests the number of latect of a covering is key.

Naomi ruchim has more.

Kate barton never leav hom without her clh facemask.

Why do you wear a mask?

Justo be good neighbor , you know jto lk out for people and also to protect my family and my kids cloth face coverings are recommended to help prevent people who may have the coronavirus from reading it to others.

Now new research looks at how man laye homade masks may need to prevent vil droplets from the se and mouth from being spd.

They showed that two layers is much better than one layer on layer is much better than nothing.

Researchers in australia used lighsystem and high speed camera for the study.

In these alations, you can see the airborne droplets oduced by healthy people speaking, coughing and sneezing while wearing no mask, a one layer covering, two yer covering and threply surgical mask.

Nats professor kimberly prather researches aerosols at uc san diego & and says we have to be cautious with these kinds of studie becse they may not capture the smallest particles.

Realize that t teeniest ones, the ones where the infectious virus could be coentred.// they are not seeing those the laye of face covering may be important but so is fit.

The mask should cover you nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of your face.

If you don't have it fitting to your face, things will just leak out, a then istt, they start to not be aseffective expertalso emphasize that masks are just one barrier and that we still need to sh hands, keep social distance and avoid crowded indoors spaces to limit the spread the virus.

Naomi ru, s news , new york.

Dr. prather says it's ey toell if your mask fits right.

You should be able to feel it sucking back against your nose when you breathe in, and when you blow out it goes back out.

That means the air is passing through the mask, which is essential.

Researchers are using innovative ways to combat the spread of covid-19.

Throughout europe, scientists are teaming up with dogs to identify the smells associated with the virus.

Ialee reports from london, on a successful trial by militdetection dogs.

Dogs have previously been trained to detect cancer, parkinson's disease and malaria.

Now they're lending a paw in the battlega covid-19.

"we have evidenc ds can detect bacterias another diseases, so we believe tt king this project forward will make a huge difference to the ability to control covid-19 spread in germany, members of the armed forces train dogs to snf e saliva of both healthy and sick people, and identify those infected with the illness.

Current covid tests can sometimes take several days to t results, while these rmanups can sniff it out in sick patients in seconds - with 94 percent accuracy.

"so we know tha dogs have this azing ability to smell d toearn smells and so if cod-19as a smell and a distctivsmell then we would be able to train dogs to detect it."

The dogsren' identifying the coronavirus itself but rather the chemical changes in body fluids caused by the virus.

Hetrainers say it takes roughly six weeks before the canines are ready to hound covid-19.

Experts predict a small team of dogs could screen four and a half thousand people a day.

Ian e cbs news london.

Detection dogs in france and the united kingdom are also going through similar training, to test for covid-19.

Some of the hardest- h cits in this pandemic are getting help from traveling health care rkerfrom across the country.

In march, atlanta nurse practioner dakoyoia billie received an emery request for nurses to report to new york city, and didn't hesitate r moment.

Now, four months later, she's rvinin a hospit outde san antonio, texas mireya villareal shows us how the long stretch away are affecting her family bachome.

As the need fo health care workers on the frontlines of the covid-19 pandemic increases, traveling nurses brg relief to hospitals across the country& nurse practioner dakoyoia billie is onof those people& back in marchshe cked her bags and left atlanta for what was then the center of the epicenter new york city& dakoia blie: 00:04// rsnd that most people couldn't do this.

But it's my passion.

And each story, each experience with patients-- it just reaffirms that this ishat was called to do.

// a calling that means leaving behind her husbanrcus and their four chdren, including their seven-month- d ins& pumping breast mi during the workdays and shipping it home on the weekends& mireya villarrea 00:02:19 how are you doing that, wonder woman?

Dakoyoia blie: 00:02:21 // i don't think about it.

It-- i knt' something i ve to do mireya vrrea 00:12:25 // how do you explain what mommy's doing right now?

Dakoyoia billie: 00:12:38 // i get asd all the time, "mom, when are yo coming back?

// when i finish-- facetiming at the end of the night, it's always // this is my four-year-old.

Om, i hope you come back to my hoe."

I say, yeah so as mommy's finished // helping to save lives // after nearly two months of working 12 hour shifts in new york city and a month ck i laa, billie was called to hospital in texas to help fight the ovel state& mireya villarreal: 00:07:58 // was there a point where you cod have said, "no.

I i d't wann do this" dakoyoia billie: 00:08:03 yes.

// at any point, i could have backeout.

Mireya villarreal: 00:08:12 did you ever think about that?

Dakoyoia billie: 00:08:15 o.

/it was new york.ows texas that needs us.

// billie says she's helping the people of texas by bringing her knowledge from new yo& a by working in covid its away from home, she's protecting her áowná family & with the supporof hr husband& mireyalaeal: 00:23: // rcus, why don't you tell us-- what's life like?

Meanyou've got four kidwith you.

I mean,his -- this is crazy.

Marcus: 00:23:53 // you know, just inthemp in the morning, you know, getting them fed, arranging bath times-- arranging travel when we need to leave the house.

// it's-- definitely been an stnt.

But-- we've been grateful to have a lot of help-- along e wa // anether it's atlanta or another city that needs help next time, billie will be ready& daka llie: 00:05:33 // i'm not at all deserving of- the blessings that i have.

Bu- ani know that because of it, i'm-- i'm charged to give back.

// i hate to be such a cry baby, but it means that much to me.

Service with a sme may be a thing of the pas fast foomay mean ntouch.

No people.

The coronavirus has changed the way americans sit st food restaurants.

Wearing masks and socily distancing is designedkeep customers and employees safe.

Now some restaurants are looking at technology that doesn't require a human touch.

Danya bacchus reports.

Pkg the burger chain e stle has a new employee that could become more common in the wakef th coronavirus pandemic.

The robot arm fromiobotics can make french ies ing tificial intelligence and is being tested in certain stores.

The fast food industry has been turning to technology more in recent years.

Customers ca now place an order at a kiosk insteaof wa cashier.

Miso already has a robot call flippy making hamburgers for the fast fo chain cali-burger in california.

"dealing wit humans now coming with risks.."

Martin ford, author of rise of the robots, sees cpanies adoptinghis type of technology because robots can't spread coronavus a it can cut down on work cos.

":33 definitel what's happening with the coronavirus pandemic is going to speed things up."

The company chowbotics says sales for its salad making robot called sally hav jumped 60 percent since the pandemic started.

And the business blendid currently s autonomous smieiosks in just three cations but expects that number to grow to nearly 100 over the ne 18 nths.

"14:18 i think tha covid has made all the rge operators realize they neeto apt automati blendid's c-e-o believes this type of technology is the wave of the future.

"i totally imagine few years down the roes youill have a completely robotic food court and you walk in thar multiple concepts all botic."

A robotic food court would mean no need for human workers.

White castle says its new bot won't replace employees and instead will altho focus on oth tasks like disinftinghe restaurant.

Dan bchus, cbs nelos angeles.

When we come back, we'll head outdoors - from treetops to backyards .

Mid have you ever thought about building a treehouse and then living in it?

A northern minnesota couple ng adid exactly at and then took it to another level.

Thissen the trees is the pride of will and peggy line, built near their home.

John lauritsen shows us how this dream house has become a stination for people across the state.

"we had a pur obsession in order to get it done," will said.

"it was fun obssio it was a challenge.

A fun challenge."



Call it whatever you want.

When the root of this idea took hold, will and peggy line were determined to make it happenwhen "we ended up 1 years old because at 12 you know you could have built this.

You could have done it but folks tell you it's the worsidea you've ever had," peggy said.

Luily in this case there was no parental supervision.

The couple wrote the plan for their dream on a piece of paper and then began tconstrtionn the early 2000's.

"we could hav built a e bedroom homon the ground a lot easier," will said one big advantage - they owned a wmill at the time so they had unlimited access to wood.

They'd spend all day at their business but couldn't wait to get home to work.

"the interio framing is pine.

And the walls because that was light," will said.

"th other parts ar k, ash, all species of hardwood."

There's air- conditioning, heat, cable tv - everything including the tcn sink.

A ship's ladder leads up to the loft ere a map plank connects the bedrooms. "it's almostike treehoinde of a treehouse," will said.

Tharound deck is another cool feature.

It's eef the ground.

And in a true case of one man's trash is another man's treare the lines have used their share of repurposed wood, especially for the railings.

"we madeevera trip le superior and brought back driftwood," wil said.

"lake superior just ppen to b interesting and free," peggy said the couple actually lived in their swiss family robinson-style house for 3 1/2 years.

En their daughter moved back home, they need more space sohey de it available to others.

"there's a 'peace about it.

I hear that all thtime," peggy said.

After wadena was hit by a devastating tornado in 2010, will and peggy decided bui a shelter nearbyo keep visitors safe.

Once again, there's a signature plank that connects rooms. "it's somethin that got way out of hand like the treehouse.t wa meant to be a storm shelter and then it just began row," pegg said.

Much like r dream of a treehouse for adults.

There's a join cating.

There's a bigger joy in watching others take delighin what you've created.

"i absolutely lov everybodthat co.

He time they leave ty feel like family," peggy said.

"i comes from a time when anything is possible before you have tow up."

Because covid-19 has forced them to space out reservations, thelis are actually booked until november.

But they are currently taking reservations f next year.

Natvo survivors ready...go!

If you fi yourself doing something you've already done... rosie wins her first individual immuni.

If this sounds familiar, that's because survivor super fan nate frazee is doing his besteff obstimpression.

Not only is he hosting a backyard competition, he planned and built the entire thing.

There e abt twenty challenges over three days.

The contestants are trusted family friends, all agreeing to covid- 19 precautions.

That includes sleeping in separate tents to mas, sial distancing and sanitizer as need.

E ruleare e same as the real rviv - battle through challenges, win immunity aak it to the final round without being voted off the island - or backyard.

We'll head to island time next with jimmy buffett.

Mid morning will be

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