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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 2)

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Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 2)
Midmorning With Aundrea - July 28, 2020 (Part 2)

(Part 2 of 2) Thanks to the coronavirus, legendary singer Jimmy Buffett has had to put his plans for touring on hold this year.

We meet up with him to find out how he's been using his spare time and what he's got planned once the pandemic is over.

In years past, a summer song from jimmff suggested carefree days under the palm trs wi refreshing tropical breezes.

This summer .

Not so much, as we hear from tracy smith: for any of the past 40 cod find jim bufft stding on a stage mewhere...playin th his coral reefer band.

'course áthisá year, he's stuck at high dry as the rest us.

Tracy smith: 00:06:21 so how are you?

Jimmy buett: 00:06:24 i'm-- i'- you know, enjoying what part of the summer i can up here, you know?

So staying safe and atying to have a little fun in the meantime.

So, you know, where we'd normally be here, it's a little different than where i .

Tracy smith: 00:06:40 // y've been talking about taking a summer off for, what, 40 years now?

Jimmy buffett: 00:06:46 yeah.

This isn't quite what i had in mind, tracy,but,ou kw, wh's tt-- make-- make lemonade ttmons.

// 000701 the interesting thing is, with all of the tragy anthe serious things that are goin' on, there are-- i-- you know, having to deal with it.

And i talked to a lot of the people-- you find some silver nis in all this.// and that's what we're doing, like, for family and for band.

0014 jimmy on zoomowdya like it so far?

And here's how he's been using se of his time in quarantine: doing online concerts...often for first responders..

Mmsinging: there are waves tside my window there are airplanes in the y jimmbufft: 3322ou know, historically you think about it, in times like this you still have thave a little fun, you still have to have a re from what's going on.

An- an you know, i knew that that was the case, because we've had a history ofhat.

A lot of peop, t of healthcare workers and doctors know-- i know for a long time have used my music in operating rooms emergency oms to calm down.

Anlately he's been ablto sre new music: his just-released album--the flip side-- is already drawing rave rev.

00:49:30 "out her conflict and chaos comel subside 00:49:30 i'm steerin' back to where i came from 00:49:30 back to slack tide.

A slack tides at moment just before the te rns...when the water is calm and the wod seems to take a beat.

The song was writtell before the current political storm...but it seems all the more appropriate now.

Jimmy buffett: 00:245 that there's something about the natural process of world and the universe that allows you the time the kinda take a breath.

And it seems that a lot of people aren't doing that now.

And if you just-- it's not, you've got to solve every problem, or like erytng everybody else does, but everybody needs to take a litt eath // so that's, again, kind of one of the undering kind of messages // in these songs.

00:51:32 i wish the whole wide world could swim a, at slack tide.

At ack ."

Tracy smith: 00:52:17 beaul.nk you so much.

Jimmy buffett: 00:52:19 thank you.

That's the first timee that in public.

Tracy smith: 00:52:24 oh, seriously?

That's awesome-- jimmy buffett: 00:52:24 yeah.

We to played it ye ye mn, i've played it a lot.

But not-- so, there-i thought that'd be a good for sunday morning.

00:16:27 let's go back a little.

This isour rst new album in seven years.

Now i know whatou'vbeen doin' part of those past seven years, because i was with you for part of it.

Jimmy buffett: 00:16:37 yeah.

A lot it.

And this is what took up so much of his time: a broadway mul..escape margaritaville.

Tracy smith: 00:16:43 last time i talked to you that was launching?

Jimmy buffett: 00:16:46 yep.

Tracy smith: 00:16:46 how'd it go?

// 1656 it was five years in the makin to get to broadway.

It had-- you know, it had a successful run.

00:17:03 we'd have liked to have bee there longer.

But the good thing is, itas already had an aiencout-- out in the country.

And so we were on a twyearour of the show-- in it, and it-- it was doing great when we had tohut wn.

So-- that's what was goin' for-- for out ve of those years-- when people thought i was just kinda layin' in t hammock.


I was-- i was workin'.

Ses he's áalwaysá been working: jimmy buffett has been going nonstop fomost of h adu life..since his days as a young street performeew orleans' french quarter.

Tracy smith: 20:37:9 ink-- do you thi the would be a jimmy buffett if there wasn't a new orleans?

Jimmy buffett: 20:37:45;27 that's a very interesting question.

I don't thintherever uld .//those years being here really were formative years for me.

And it made me-- it made me a better professional player so that i thought i could-- i could make that leap and-- and all of that-- thas my traing ground for all of that.

That's a good-- that's an interesting question 'cause i thin no,t probly wld not have happened.

And now...more than fifty years later.he'stilln the game...but does acknowledge that there's a finish line ahead.

Tracy smit 0020 you' tald a lot out mortality.

And on this bum you talk about moality.

Mmffett: 00:21:07 yeah tracy smith: 00:21:07 do you think about that a lot?// //mmy ffett: 00:21:33 u know, there-- there's an end comin' up there.

But, you know, i didn't-- at 73, you know, i look at aad apeople that i know now-- you know, we just lost one who was-- who w a dr friend and a great inspiration, carl reer, at 98.// 1: that's who i ok at up there.

// and th i'llook at the 80-year-olds that are still doin' it.

And i look at the late-70-year-olds that aretill doin' it.

So that's o i' watchin'.

// // 00:22:23 andnd rking seems to be t magic elixir when you are lucky enough to be an entertainer, or do things that you can still do at th age.

If anything, it seems jimmy buffett is getting ábetterá with age.

There's no telling when his diehard fans--the parrhead-will hear this song in person again: bujimmy says that as soon it' safe to go back in the water...he'sgoing to jump in with bh fe.

átracy smith:00:15:19 do you miss the big crowds?

Jimmy buffett: 005:22yes.

I'll mi i- i miss it a lot.

I mean, there's-- there's really nothing like .// 00:16:04 and, you know, ere will be an t this.

That's--hat, we know.

And-- i plan to be there.

And as i tell evodhat show, whenever it is, and wherever it is, when we get back to doing what we really do, and everybody can havehe se kind of enjoyment and experience, that's gonna be one hell of a show.

And then we're just gonna keep goin'.

We'll be right backo wr things th at a more on nt midmning show

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