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Thursday, 30 January 2025

AA County Schools planning to bring more students back for in-person instruction

Credit: ABC 2 News WMAR
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AA County Schools planning to bring more students back for in-person instruction
AA County Schools planning to bring more students back for in-person instruction
AA County Schools planning to bring more students back for in-person instruction

Currently two days a week butwill eventually push for fourdays starting with priorityneeds groups and thosestruggling with virtuallearning as early as nextTuesday Meeting 5 16:32:24“The vision would be that wewill add students verticallyin each of the cohorts andthen after when we addedvertically and there are nomore takers then we can beginto look at adding horizontallymore easy of the week” TheCDCelementary school students cannow be at least 3 feet apartin classrooms regardless ofcommunity transmission as longas they are wearing masks.

Butthe CDC says secondarystudents should stay 6 feetapart in areas wheretransmission is high Allstudents must be 6 feet apartoutside of the classroom whentheyDr. Arlotto discussed theimpact the new guidance couldhave on their plans saying buscapacity and contact tracingprotocols could make thingscomplicated Meeting 5 16 27 42We are left with no additionalspace on buses.

We still haveone child per seat.

Meeting 316 17 07“if they remain at 6feet which we are told theyare, that will significantlyincrease the number ofstudents that will have to gointo quarantining” The boardalso passed a resolution tobring priority groups back toschool for four days a week assoon as possible.

Dr. Arlottoand the board also stressedthe importance of using inputfrom parents on both sides ofthe reopening argument on whatthey decide moving forward.Meeting 17 17 26 31“There aremany as you have said that areasking for no change.

We gotinto a routine as a family, wegot day care, child care takencare of.

And things areworking.

Then there are otherwho are saying itworking my child.

My childneeds to be in four day if not5 days a week.

LL TAG And theschool board could discussmore about the impact of thenew CDC guidance in their nextmeeting scheduled on April 7thReporing in Glen Burnie IRay Strickland with WMAR-2NewsA NEW MASS VACCINATION SITE ISCOMING TO ANNE ARUNDEL C

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