To the church in Laodicea write, I know your works and you are neither hot or cold but Lukewarm; I wish you were one or the other but since you are lukewarm I will spit you out of My mouth, you say I am rich, I do not lack for anything but in fact you are wretched pitiful blind and naked!!
Come to Me and I will put salve on your blind eyes so you can see, I will put clothes on you to cover your shameful nakedness, Jesus hates the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors!!
He will them all left behind and it will be up to them to find God in the tribulation period and it will not be easy at all, there will be great persercution coming and if you do not have the vaccine mark of the beast no food for you, and you will be killed, all the churches will be destroyed and bibles to, no one will care if you went to church at all, life as people know it will end when the rapture happens!
America will be destroyed and the antichrist will waste no time taking over the entire world and he will, Jesus hates Christmas, Easter and all the pagan holidays, He was not born on December 25 and hates it, half hearted faith needs to end now, you are either for Jesus or the antichrist and no middle ground!!
You can't serve two masters!!